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Los adolescentes Charlie y Nick descubren que su amistad podría ser mucho más que eso mientras lidian con la escuela y el amor en esta serie sobre convertirse en adulto. (Netflix)

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Tráiler 1

Reseñas (4)


todas reseñas del usuario

español Esta serie incorpora efectos visuales para acercarse al cómic que sirve de modelo. Los actores parecen a las personajes dibujadas y en general los fans pueden disfrutar de la historia recontada. En el principio de la primera temporada nos introducen unos estudiantes de un instituto en Inglaterra. Pronto es establecen relaciones entre ellos pero después pierde la dinamica y resulta flojo. Y realisticamente toda la segunda temporada se podría resumir en un solo episodio. Aunque no me gustó, seguramente existen muchos que puedan disfrutar de cada minuto. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Heartstopper doesn't tell a complex story that we haven't seen in a similar form elsewhere (currently, for example, in Love, Victor), and there are no outright shocking twists, but it is so incredibly sweet and charmingly told that you can forgive its simplicity and directness. Even when the characters faced some difficult problems, there was an incredibly positive atmosphere throughout the eight episodes, which you could binge in one sitting, and I found myself grinning with joy several times while watching them. There were also some powerful moments that moved one in a non-violent way. The central cast was well chosen, in addition to which I appreciated the smaller role for Olivia Colman and I also enjoyed Tobie Donovan (Isaac) and Jenny Walser (Tori). The second season, which absorbed me even a little more, offered a deepening of the relationships between the characters alongside a partial change of setting (Paris) and bit into other interesting themes (asexuality, bullying and its consequences), setting the scene for the next season. I must not fail to praise the animated rendering of the characters' feelings, which reminded me of the short film In a Heartbeat, and the enjoyable soundtrack. I believe there are many viewers who will find themselves in the characters, and although I am often skeptical of teen-casting, in the case of Heartstopper I was satisfied with one or two exceptions. ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés 1st season – 85% – A mindless spectacle with no need to educate, explore, or prove anything to anyone. It is exactly as I imagined it when I first saw the poster. Pleasant, sweet, and incredibly accurate in conjuring up memorable butterflies in the stomach. Even in a minimal space with a tiny budget (which probably went towards animated pages and Olivia Colman's fee), everything seems to have succeeded. Justifying (or, on the other hand, erasing) the annoying Ben brings a chance at the highest rating. Ta's humor, Charlie's cuteness, and the irresistible chemistry between any friendly or romantic couple result in an unexpectedly excellent hit, which doesn't want to break hearts because fortunately, it doesn't even know how. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Oh, yes! Finally, a versatile series that, while embellished with cute animations and filters, does not use explicit scenes and drugs. It's a terribly sweet and really well cast sorority that I watched in one evening. The icing on the cake is Olivia Colman, it was a shock to me when she first appeared. I definitely recommend it because this series is really for everyone and shows what the chosen teenagers have to go through. P.S. I really hope there will be a second season! ()

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