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  • Estados Unidos The Terminal List
Tráiler 3
Estados Unidos, (2022–2025), 15 h 42 min (Minutos: 51–65 min)


David DiGilio

Argumento literario:

Jack Carr (libro)


Ruth Barrett


Chris Pratt, Constance Wu, Taylor Kitsch, Riley Keough, Arlo Mertz, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Patrick Schwarzenegger, LaMonica Garrett, Christina Vidal (más)
(más profesiones)

Streaming (1)

Temporada(2) / Episodios(16)


Navy SEAL Commander James Reece turns to vengeance as he investigates the mysterious forces behind the murder of his entire platoon. Free from the military’s command structure, Reece applies the lessons he’s learned from nearly two decades of warfare to hunt down the people responsible. (Prime Video)

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Tráiler 3

Reseñas (4)


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Dead man walking... Chris Pratt pulls on the same boots he had in Zero Dark Thirty, where he was the one to put a hole in Bin Laden’s head and James Reece approaches things here in a similar manner. A professional for whom killing is his daily bread and he also has powerful motivation to uncover the ugly secret behind the elimination of his entire team. The slow death of the main hero, manifesting itself in fragmented memories of his family life, gives the series a touch of hopelessness and Pratt makes full use of this. This is a lively conspiration thriller, spiced up by Carr, a former sniper with the Marines, bringing us authentic military behavior, which, in addition to the bloody action, offers a good story that makes you want to watch the whole of The Terminal List in one go. The occasional screenwriting hiccup and neck-breaking dialog may be forgiven as cases of beginner’s imprudence. Where the fuck are my pills? ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Amazon continues with the manly, gritty military action series and after Jack Ryan and Reacher comes Terminal List starring Chris Pratt, with Antoine Fuqua co-directing, and for me this is the best of the three and an instant contender for series of the year. Terminal List is for me the prototype of proper lads' entertainment, a mix of my three favourite films: Sicario, The Equalizer and The Fugitive, and I watched it in one go without blinking an eye, in fact it's impossible to stop watching, it's that good. Women may see it differently. Chris Pratt is absolutely superb in his most serious and best role, and it's clear that he has carefully rehearsed the part of a Navy Seal. The series has a very appealing story about one fucked up mission where almost the entire Seal unit dies and only Chris Pratt escapes. When he returns home, people around him start dying and he himself tries to figure out why they were ambushed during the mission. I liked that in the opening episodes, the creators keep the viewer guessing, not knowing if Chris is just traumatized by the war, losing his memory and having all his memories blurred, or if there really is someone out to get him and his family. The whole paranoid atmosphere is rendered believably and very interesting. I must also compliment Taylor Kitsch as the operative who was also born to play a Navy Seal. I also enjoyed the FBI unit representative and Jai Courtney, who played a first class cocky bastard – I've never seen him act better. The awesome technical aspect deserves praise too – the money goes a long way here and I love that. The soundtrack is also awesome – I have the opening theme playing in my house all the time – but it has some decent moments throughout. Of course, the action comes in for praise as well, and it's some of the best you can find on a series production. There are some perfect tactical shootouts (R-ratomg!), the training camp of the new Sicarios in Mexico will make you think of Rambo, the opening shootout in the tunnel is uncompromising and that goes for the shootout in San Francisco as well, not to mention the finale! There are also awesome fights, proper espionage, the detailed production of a bomb (hands fuckin’ up for this), the escape through the wilderness from the FBI, the army tricks, the decoys, the bullet pulling, the lock picking, the perfect use of the environment to his advantage, the camouflage... The professionalism just oozes from Pratt and I believed every move, every punch and every shot. On top of all that, I have to praise the awesome dialogue between the corrupt corporations, I could feel the bitchiness and tension in every dialogue. It's been a long time since I've been so intensely invested in a series and lived every moment. In the finale, the series completely disarmed me emotionally with a crazy twist that will leave a scar in me forever! You better don't end up on my fuckin’ list! Awesome. In two sentences: fucking good looking and fucking good to watch. Story 5/5. Action 5/5, Humour 2/5, Violence 4/5, Fun 4/5 Music 5/5, Visuals 5/5, Atmosphere 4/5, Suspense 5/5, Emotion 5/5, Actors 5/5. 10/10. () (menos) (más)



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés I’ve always known Chris Pratt as an actor with comedic talent, so I was on edge to see if he would hold up in this dramatic role. But after watching the film, I have to admit that he delivered a phenomenal performance. The entire series is based on a book (which I need to read) by former SEAL Jack Carr, so technically, I have no complaints. In every action scene, you can tell how many hours the actors spent preparing (working with weapons, tactical movement of special units, etc.); this is probably the biggest draw of the series for me (I can’t forget the musical score, starting with the opening track, and the top-notch work with the camera). Besides Pratt, Taylor Kitsch as a CIA operative was also impressive. Personally, I enjoyed how The Terminal List plays with the viewer in the first episodes, blurring the line between reality and the main character's imagination. Sure, you notice some plot holes and some scenes are extremely far-fetched (like the whole episode with the FBI chase). And I also have some issues with the crazy twist at the end. On the other hand, I love this genre, and it moves quickly. Plus, the creators are teasing a possible continuation. I rate it 7.5/10. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés An enjoyable revenge miniseries with a charismatic Chris Pratt in the lead and Taylor Kitsch right behind him. I enjoyed the quite entertaining and convoluted story, the over-the-top action, the tactical sophistication and believability of the combat, as well as the investigative storyline surrounding the reporter, the FBI and the detective's quest for the final version of the story. On the other hand, I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't take more of a swing and give us some bigger, more epic and memorable action or carnage at the end, and the occasional emotional coldness of Pratt. Otherwise I'm satisfied and The Terminal List can happily rank alongside similarly-tuned Tom Clancy's genre stuff. Better than average, it certainly has its flaws, but these things are always a pure joy. ()

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