
Drogen, Raub, Mord und die Aufräumarbeiten danach... Ein verliebtes Ganovenpärchen beim Frühstück in einem Café: Honey Bunny und Pumpkin planen ihren nächsten Coup. Die Killer Vincent Vega und Jules Winnfield erschießen auf der Jagd nach einer schwarzen Aktentasche zwei Amateurganoven, nehmen einen dritten als Geisel und überleben wie durch ein Wunder den Kugelhagel. Ein Zeichen Gottes, die Verbrecherkarriere zu beenden? Der Boxer Butch Coolidge wird von Gangsterboss Marsellus geschmiert, seinen nächsten Kampf zu verlieren. Der Beginn dreier ineinander verwobener Geschichten um Drogen, Raub, Mord - und um die Aufräumarbeiten danach. Die Aktentasche muss zum Auftraggeber - Marsellus Wallace. Unterwegs erschießt Vincent versehentlich die Geisel. Um die Spuren zu beseitigen, macht man einen kurzen Abstecher zu Jules Freund Jimmy. Dort stößt Wolf zu ihnen, ein Spezialist für "schwierige Aufgaben". Marsellus bittet Vincent, in seiner Abwesenheit auf seine drogensüchtige Frau Mia aufzupassen.
Widerwillig nimmt Vincent den Auftrag an und führt Mia aus. Der Abend endet mit einer beinahe tödlichen Überdosis aus Heroin und Kokain. Vincents Dealer Lance rettet Mia mit Mühe das Leben. Butch wird seinen Kampf nicht verlieren. Er hat viel Geld auf sich gesetzt und die Flucht mit seiner Freundin Fabienne perfekt vorbereitet. Aber Fabienne vergisst seine goldene Uhr und Butch muss noch einmal umkehren, obwohl er weiß, wie gefährlich das ist. Vincent lauert ihm auf und wird erschossen. Marsellus verfolgt Butch bis in eine Pfandleihe, wo der Besitzer und sein Bruder, zwei verquere Südstaatler, die beiden gefangen nehmen. Während sie den Gangsterboss missbrauchen, kann Butch sich befreien. Er könnte in aller Ruhe fliehen. Aber er will Marsellus nicht einfach zurücklassen. (RTL Nitro)


Kritiken (13)

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Englisch A breakthrough film of the 90s that gave birth to the Quentin Tarantino cult and marked the transformation of its genre. A skillful mix of violence and vulgarity combined with a clever screenplay that skillfully intertwines storylines and connects individual storylines. It became the most financially successful American film made in the 90s outside of major studios. Audiences appreciated Tarantino's inventiveness, as film production in the previous decade had been desperately sterile and unoriginal. They were fascinated by the raw violence and harsh lines that were unprecedented at the time. The film could rely on several stars who played their roles with great enthusiasm, with Samuel L. Jackson becoming one of the most sought-after actors. In this film, Tarantino capitalized on the thousands of hours he spent watching B-movies from around the world. It was evident that he could make something out of these ideas... Overall impression: 80%. ()


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Deutsch Die markanteste Unterschrift des originellsten Filmemachers der Gegenwart, die am prägnantesten seine Drehbuch- und Regie-Einzigartigkeit definiert. Einer der Filme, ohne den es diese Website nicht geben würde. ()


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Deutsch Eine hübsche und sexy Definition von Pulp-Poesie, die alles sagt, was sie zu sagen hat und auch alles, was sie sagen könnte. Jedes Plagiat ist nur eine unnötige Wiederholung des Gleichen, dies ist buchstäblich ein biblisch gefüllter Foliant. Tarantino hat definitiv eine atypische Erzählform popularisiert und all die dekadenten Embleme und Mechanismen der Popkultur ins Spiel gebracht, die bis dahin irgendwie am Rande der allgemein akzeptierten Kultur gehalten wurden. Der einzige Makel an der Schönheit der Poetik von Pulp Fiction ist, dass sie mich völlig überfordert. Aber auf jeden Fall der beste Film von Tarantino. ()


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Deutsch Nachdem ich den Film gesehen habe, weiß ich nicht mehr, was ich sagen soll. Ich weiß nicht, was ich von dieser Sache halten soll. Das einzige, was meine Gefühle im Moment beschreibt, ist "eine langweilige Show". Es tut mir leid, aber ich verstehe wirklich nicht, warum die Leute so begeistert davon sind. Von diesem gewöhnlichen, überbewerteten Film? Der Film basiert auf einer nicht sehr guten Geschichte mit ein wenig Brutalität und ein paar groben und manchmal sogar peinlichen Sprüchen. Der Zauber dieses Films blieb mir verborgen, obwohl ich bezweifle, dass er einen solchen hat. Eindeutig eine große Enttäuschung und eine saubere objektive Bewertung mit durchschnittlichen 3*. ()



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Englisch I first saw it in the cinema at the Czech premiere, when nobody had heard of Pulp Fiction and the name Tarantino was unknown. My friend and I walked out of the cinema and I was overjoyed to have seen something original again after a long time. My friend looked puzzled and told me he had to let it soak in overnight, he didn't know what to do. The next morning he came running to my room (in the college dorm) and excitedly announced: "Dude, it's been going through my head. It was awesome!” He ran to everyone he knew and recommended it to them and went back every day for the rest of the week with an ever growing crowd of curious people. They wrote lines from the film on pieces of paper and taped them to their walls – maybe that’s also how a cult classic is born. I really don’t know why I’m writing this, but Pulp Fiction is in my TOP 10 and I felt an almost moral obligation to say something without being repetitive. This film is like a refreshing spring in the middle of a desert of uniformity and deserves only words of praise. ()


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Englisch Very well deserved cult status. There’s no need to add anything else, everything has already been written. ()


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Englisch An untouchable aura that surprisingly does damage. Although John Travolta is irresistible and Bruce Willis flawless, the glory of the most cultish cult bothered me to such an extent that I probably won't be able to enjoy Pulp Fiction without some biases. A weaker four stars and the need for another viewing. ()


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Englisch A cult-classic that passed me by in a hundred kilometer arc. For me, it's nothing more than some solid dialogue, solid performances and Tarantino's direction, which I generally don't find very appealing. ()


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Englisch The magic of Pulp Fiction doesn't fully hit you until you've watched it for the tenth or eleventh time and realise that you still can't get enough; whether it's the incredibly witty dialogue, the framed narrative, the performances, the pop culture nods, or simply the execution of each scene with a perfect sense of visual punctuation and musical underscoring. One iconic shot after another, the camera breaks down the space with the ingenuity of Thomas Edison, the absurd game with the motif of "twisted" coincidence is turned into an amazingly coherent experience and it makes you wish it lasted twenty or forty minutes longer. While from the most from the holy year 1994 I prefer the humane Shawshank, the clear winner in the field of cinephile delight is this Tarantino treasure. ()


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Englisch As far as I remember, Pulp Fiction was the first Tarantino film I ever saw, and it was love at first sight. An excellent film with an incredible number of great lines, a perfect cast, and an amazing plot. It's simply a film that grabs my attention right from the opening scene and doesn’t let go until the closing credits. Even now that I know exactly what's going to happen and when, and how it’s all going to end. A real treat! ()


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Englisch My 500th review happens to be about this film. Is that a coincidence? I wouldn’t say so; it feels more like fate. Until now, I couldn’t consider myself a complete film fan, but after watching Pulp Fiction, I can. I don’t even need to say that it’s Quentin Tarantino’s best film ever. The term cult classic should be in the title, and you should always refer to it with that clearly designated descriptor. Tarantino called up his favorite actors in the industry, and they delivered something unheard of and unrepeatable here. It’s impossible to choose who performed best, but Travolta had something special. I loved how all the stories eventually came together as one. And what’s the best thing about the film? Of course, it’s the dialogues, which are so filled with funny lines that I sometimes couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Anyone who hasn’t seen this film must rectify that immediately. And the music? Once again, a perfect gem. Nothing like this will ever be made again. I give it 90%. Correction for 2020: Django is the best. ()


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Englisch No, even after watching it several times, I just couldn't change the title of this film. The individual stories and scenes are so meticulously crafted that it's unbelievable this was made by someone who had only one film under their belt. The dialogue is impeccable, and acting-wise, Tarantino got exactly what he needed out of everyone. He is truly a master at making every scene perfect, and there is something breathtaking to be found in every scene. ()


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Englisch I can't figure out why, but other great movies can be characterized by words such as brilliant, perfect or fantastic. But when you say the word CULT, only two things come to my mind: Star Wars, and most importantly Pulp Fiction. A cult movie which has everything: cult scenes, lines, characters, the whole package. Plus, it was made by the most original director in Hollywood. ()