Daddy’s Home 2 - Mehr Väter, mehr Probleme

  • Deutschland Daddy's Home 2 (mehr)
Trailer 10


Langweilig gegen cool. Spießig gegen lässig. Schusselig gegen souverän: Das Duell um den Titel als „Super-Dad“ haben der übervorsichtige Brad (Will Ferrell) und der draufgängerische Dusty (Mark Wahlberg) mittlerweile ausgefochten, auch wenn kleinere Sticheleien und Rivalitäten weiterhin an der Tagesordnung sind. Bis eines Tages ihre eigenen Väter vor der Tür stehen und die beiden sich wohl oder übel zusammenraufen müssen. Denn sich gegen Dustys adrenalinstrotzenden Macho-Dad (Mel Gibson) und Brads übertrieben liebevollen und emotionalen Vater (John Lithgow) durchzusetzen, bedarf einiger Nerven und jeder Menge Männlichkeit. Ein aberwitziger Wettbewerb zwischen vier erwachsenen Männern beginnt …! (Paramount Pictures Germany)


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Deutsch Ein anschauliches Beispiel für eine total in den Sand gesetzte Fortsetzung einer gelungenen Komödie. Anfangs erträglich, mit der Zeit aber ausgesprochen unerträglich. Manchmal frage ich mich, ob das die Amerikaner tatsächlich ernst meinen - müssen die Drehbücher tatsächlich voller Peinlichkeiten, Applaus, Hetze und übersüßer Familienbekundungen sein? Das letzte Drittel konnte ich es dann nicht mehr aushalten, und ich wünschte mir, es möge vorbei sein. Ich hoffe, es ist kein Teil drei in Planung. ()


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Englisch To be honest, I was expecting much worse. Sure, there were a few dull or cheesy moments, but overall, it struck me as a little better than the first film. The biggest surprise for me was probably Mel Gibson who was finally convincing in his role. The worst performance was delivered by Alessandra Ambrosio. I never understood the casting of models in films. The ending with all that singing and dancing was something terrible, but I managed to control myself and didn't go below three stars. 3*- ()



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Englisch I guess I’ll start with a good old comparison. It’s just not better than the first one. The first instalment had some genius scenes that were simply unforgettable. On the other hand, the producers have casted a very solid group of actors none of which could ever disappoint. I was personally excited to see Mel Gibson in this sort of a role again; he was obviously enjoying it. I think the idea is amazing and as far as the premise goes, I couldn’t really recall any Griswold Christmas Vacation. The overall impression is very positive because I can’t get enough of these kinds of comedies. And if the Americans don’t stop pushing them on me, I won’t even be mad. ()


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Englisch It was quite funny in places and that's the main thing I want from an American comedy these days. Mel Gibson stole the film for himself, but it doesn't really matter because he's simply good and carries it without a hitch. He also doesn't mind making a bit of a fool of himself. The others are more or less what they always are and manage to have a little fun here and there. ()


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Englisch More interesting than the first one thanks to Mel Gibson, but still rather average family entertainment with good actors. There aren't many gags, and the occasional situational humour is amusing, but it's more for kids and family, which is why it also keeps the bad language to a minimum. I wasn't bored, very fine as an outing, but I would need more for a 4*. I envy my friend who saw all the actors involved live a week ago. 65% ()

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