
Noch immer befindet sich der legendäre El Mariachi auf dem Rachefeldzug für seine Geliebte. Er schert sich nicht um das politische Chaos, das gerade in Mexiko herrscht. Dort soll der Präsident von Drogenbaron Barillo und dem skrupellosen General Marquez gestürzt werden. Genau das will der korrupte CIA-Agent Sand verhindern. Nach längerer Suche beauftragt er den Gitarrenspieler-Killer. Er soll in den geplanten Putsch eingreifen und den General liquidieren ... (ProSieben MAXX)


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Deutsch Dieser Film ist cooler und hat mehr Stil als Desperado. Seine Geschichte ist aber zu kompliziert und hektisch. Es ist keine Zeit für das Wichtigste geblieben – für die gründliche Arbeit mit den Figuren, auf denen der Film basieren soll. Die ganze Zeit beobachtet man nur geheime Gespräche oder Schießereien. Robert Rodriguez hat versucht, in 80 Minuten ein dreistündiges Material hineinzuquetschen. Das Ergebnis ist ein schusseliger und manchmal ungewollt starrer Mischmasch, der eher für die Fans von Spy Kids als Desperado geeignet ist. ()


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Englisch Yeah, it's fun. Robert Rodriguez goes of the rails quite a bit and even though he gets really wild in places, it surprisingly works thanks to the the stars, of which there are more than a few. Johnny Depp is terrific along with Antonio Banderas, the rest are slightly overshadowed, but it's a nice watch thanks to the occasional slapstick and over the top action. 65% ()



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Englisch Rodriguez has forgotten how to make good movies. The Hollywood air doesn't suit him and he should probably stop eating those burgers because a full stomach is bleeding his brain, he should go back to the light Mexican food. The lightness and straightforwardness of Desperado has disappeared, replaced by an incomprehensible cluttered plot and a lot of unnecessary characters. Rodriguez doesn’t know how to tell a story. And I'm not going to lie when I tell you that if you watch the trailer, you will see the vast majority of the film’s action sequences. What's very surprising is that even these are not very cleverly filmed, except perhaps for the escape of Banderas and Salma, which you can see almost entirely – yes – again in the trailer. Speaking of Salma: her presence in the film could be summed up in about five minutes of total time. Putting her name in the trailers is a good marketing move, but it's also kind of cheeky. And the rest? My favourite, Dafoe, is also only briefly present, Banderas is just Banderas, nothing new, Iglesias is alright and Depp? If it weren't for him, I'd probably have left the cinema. His "maintaining stability" is one of the few amusing, if very subtle, moments. Overall: weird and boring. Why the one star? For that beautiful Mexican music. And for the hope that Roberto might still remember his inventive and entertaining beginnings. ()


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Englisch This is like Rodriguez filmed a much longer picture, but used just half of it and also arranged it in an order that has no head or tail to it. As a result, scenes that were evidently supposed to be a tribute to or “quote" from Leone turn come across like they are making fun of him and are incredibly embarrassing. Better to watch Desperado for the umpteenth time, rather than this. ()


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Englisch For me, as a fan of Desperado, this was quite a shock. Immediately after watching, I thought it was noticeably weaker than the previous installment, but still good; now, however, it is clear to me that Robert Rodriguez took on too much. Antonio Banderas shoots just as accurately and stylishly s ever, Salma Hayek is still so beautiful it hurts, but the rest is bad. Johnny Depp tries incredibly hard and seems to fit in with his cool attitude, but his character is desperately unnecessary, just like everything else. The shootouts, one-liners, and desperate looks against a background of guitar could have followed a straightforward path of revenge. This is a concoction trying to imitate Sergio Leone's partially politically oriented scripts, both in terms of the title and the plot, but it fails in practically every direction. The action was wasted in this case. ()

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