
Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts: Die Niederlande werden von Engländern und Franzosen belagert. Dazu droht ein Bürgerkrieg, der für die Angreifer ein gefundenes Fressen wäre. Admiral Michiel de Ruyter soll die holländische Flotte in den Krieg führen und das Land vor dem sicher scheinenden Untergang bewahren. Mit Entschlossenheit und List hat er tatsächlich Erfolg und wird zu einem gefeierten Mann. Doch de Ruyters Popularität ist den Staatsoberhäuptern ein Dorn im Auge, sie fürchten um ihre Machtposition und schicken ihn auf eine aussichtslose Militärmission. (Lighthouse Home Entertainment)


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Englisch The Dutch show that historical films are not only the domain of American productions anymore, but that other countries can also make them without any problems, and in a quality that is at times stunning. The naval battles here are really great, also pathetic in places, but surprisingly that didn't matter so much. It belongs in a biopic. This is excellent. ()


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Englisch I'm not a big fan of naval battles, but this one just has balls and after watching the enticing trailer, it only confirmed everything for me... a 130 minute Dutch story of Admiral Michiel de Ruyter that draws the viewer in from start to finish. It offers engaging sets, spectacular battles, decent acting, strategy, diplomacy and a box of politics where it is easy to get lost and confused, so full attention is required. A solid film in every respect. The only downside perhaps is the running time. 80%. ()



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Englisch It would never occur to me that the Dutch would make a European blockbuster with everything it entails. Does a similar genre actually exist? ()


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Englisch If the ending hadn’t desperately tried to appeal to the viewers’ emotions, the film would have deserved five stars. The 130-minute running time was by no means a waste of time. Never have I seen such epic and beautifully filmed ship-of-the-line warfare. This was some masterful filmmaking on the part of the Dutch. In the moments between exciting action, intrigue was in full swing. The family matters did slightly slow it down, though. The writers bent history to their own image. But, compared to Pearl Harbor it’s like comparing a diamond to a piece of excrement. A truly excellent, epic, and beautiful film. ()

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