
Der New Yorker Multimillionär und Hedgefonds-Manager Robert Miller steht kurz davor, das Geschäft seines Lebens abzuschließen: den enorm profitablen Verkauf seiner Firma. In dieser wichtigen Situation verschuldet er eines Nachts einen Autounfall, bei dem seine heimliche Geliebte ums Leben kommt. Miller flüchtet vom Unfallort und vertuscht seine Spuren, aus Angst, den anstehenden Millionendeal zu gefährden. Doch bei dem Versuch, einen unnachgiebig ermittelnden Polizei-Detective zu täuschen, verstrickt der clevere Geschäftsmann sich immer mehr in ein Netz aus Lügen und Manipulationen. (ARD)


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Deutsch Das Werk ist als Thriller-Genre-Film konzipiert, bei dem man ein überraschendes oder superschnelles Ende erwartet. Das passiert aber nicht. Der Film setzt auf eine Noir-Idee (im Stil von europäischen "Arthouse-Filmen“ oder US-amerikanischen Oscar-Filmen), an der er nur vorbeigeht und sie nicht detailliert behandelt. Trotzdem ist das Erlebnis ausgezeichnet, weil die Aufmerksamkeit und die Neugier des Publikums von der ersten bis zur letzten Minute gefesselt werden. Der Spielfilm-Debütant Nicholas Jarecki bekam das Budget und top Schauspieler*innen wegen dem hochwertigen Drehbuch. Richard Gere zeigt hier die wahrscheinlich beste Schauspielleistung seiner Karriere. ()


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Englisch Save the Tiger 2012. When the wheels of justice begin turning even against an arch-asshole who, after years at the top, finds his personal and professional life starts falling apart (with nobody else to blame but himself), it’s hard not to root for him despite everything he stood for before. An intelligent thriller that shows the true face behind the American smile. In marriage, in unfaithfulness, in business, in friendship, while bluffing, while cheating, while threatening, while submitting evidence... Simply in all possible situations. At least, this applies in this pleasant blast from the nineties (in terms of style, themes and even casting) which would have been more than equal to others in this genre even back then. P.S.: In fact, I think the frequently criticized ending is absolutely perfect and also the only ending possible; it’s clever, ties up all loose ends, while being ingeniously open, leaving sufficient room for viewer fantasy. ()


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Englisch Even though the financial shark Richard Gere flies through his inflated bubble over the cactus grove, he always has the option to choose, which safely guides him through the thorns. Although beyond the galaxies of Margin Call and Michael Clayton, the universe remains the same. Cold pragmatism and cohesion at all necessary levels ensure that the band will continue to play, and you will manage with the fact that some notes will sound even more off-key. The capturing of the atmosphere of an alienated world, where money is the key to every door, pulls it upward, along with Cliff Martinez's ambient sounds and Nicholas Jarecki's plotlines connecting the screenplay. These cinematic reflections of predatory capitalism are so brutal that one would prefer to give up everything and go drink box wine under a bridge. ()


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Englisch If it weren't for the cast, this thing would never have seen the light of day, because this overwrought crime-corporate drama without a single instantly dramatic scene just isn't worth anyone's time. Thank goodness, though, for the acting crisis of Gere, who realized that if he's doomed to romantic soft-light zoophilia (see Hachikō) at the end of his career, he'll quite possibly have something like "Uhh... Somebody" and thus combed through both of the scripts sent to him over the last five years to find the one in which he could scream more, i.e. give a performance. By which he meant pulling back from the nursing home Susan Sarandon, with whom in one scene I was begging God for mercy so her boob wouldn't fall out, and Tim Roth, who overacts like he's a five-year-old somebody stuck in front of a camera. As a result, some guy named Jarecki was given 12 million to adapt his actually good script, which manages to weave several storylines together in an almost textbook way, with no random situations and with characters acting logically and pragmatically. He puts his own grist to the mill from his position as director in the form of portraying a sick, alienated world from the fortieth floor up, with many scenes introducing a cold static shot of structures (but not a classic building -> i.e. this scene will take place inside) and ending with extreme long shots on the character. Another unique thing is the perception of the protagonist, who even though he's a bastard to look at him, the level of jobs he takes necessarily builds viewer empathy. The reason is that there isn’t really any specific main villain here, just the environment in which the protagonist has spent his entire life. ()



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Englisch Richard Gere is no longer the wealthy man who once chooses the right prostitute and turns her into a princess. It seems that the times of romantic comedies have ended, and it must be said that "Pretty Woman" will be hard to surpass. In recent years, he has been more focused on thrillers and it must be said that he is quite good at it. He is simply a good actor. True, he may not gain as much popularity as Liam Neeson, but similar roles suit him well. He can put on the right expression to embody the role of a worthy father figure or a proper scoundrel who manipulates people around him without their knowledge. Robert Miller is a very wealthy man who owns an extensive company and has set himself up for a comfortable retirement. Robert Miller is a man who has a loving wife and daughter and seems to live a happy life. But of course, everything is different. His company is having problems and he will likely get involved in them because of some fraud. But that's not all. Miller may have a happy family, but it doesn't stop him from having a mistress. But what happens when the mistress dies in a car accident he caused? Will he run away or confess to the police? Miller doesn't choose the easiest path and gets deeper and deeper into a whirlwind that he is sitting on but no longer controls. Everything spins around him and he makes desperate decisions that theoretically should lead to redemption, but it doesn't happen. Susan Sarandon and Tim Roth excellently support Gere, with Roth being one of the most underrated actors, including in his roles. "Arbitrage" is not a bad film, it has its gradation, but perhaps the ending is too symbolic. More: ()