
„The Losers", das Team einer Eliteeinheit der Special Forces, wurde zu einer Rettungsmission in den Dschungel Boliviens entsandt und nun selber Ziel eines tödlichen Doppelspiels - angezettelt von einem mächtigen Feind innerhalb der Einheit selbst. Die Gruppe weiß den Umstand, dass sie nun als tot gilt, gut zu nutzen, und begibt sich in den Untergrund, um so ihren Namen reinzuwaschen und mit ihrem Feind abzurechnen. (RTL II)


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Englisch I like this comic. It surprised me. I bought it with the thought that it's a fairly cheap thing and I didn't expect much from it. I got a great political thriller, where the action scenes are really worth it. I was looking forward to the film adaptation, partly because the cast was not bad at all. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is just a guy who exudes charisma. Zoe Saldana had the chance to prove that she is more than just the blue cat from "Avatar". But somehow it didn't quite work out. The action scenes don't have the drive they could have, the story is too simple compared to the comic, and the great mysterious Max has been turned into a ridiculous villain who is such a jerk that it's boring. And so the film is saved by the lines, which are sometimes quite funny, and also the camaraderie, which belongs to similar movies. This team was chosen well, but I can't help but feel that the film creators gave too little from the comic and its quality. The potential was much greater. But you can't have everything. It just disappoints me that comics didn't catch on in our country and it will end with two parts, we will certainly not get any more. I'll just have to reach for the English original to find out how it all actually ended. Because believe it or not, in the comic we still don't know who Max really is and what he can do. More: ()


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Englisch It didn’t make me fall asleep, I didn’t mock it, I didn’t curse the creators either out loud or under my breath, but I can’t think of any praise. Pointless and easily forgettable film. ()



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Englisch I should have watched this before The A-Team and not after. Because the Losers lose on all sides. Nothing against Morgan, but as team leader he was completely un-outstanding. Jason Patrick is simply awful (couldn’t they have given the role of Max maybe to Travolta, he would have enjoyed it) even though his character must have looked great on paper. Thank god for the eloquent Chris “Captain America" Evans who pulls the movie forward with all his might. And the sniper wasn’t bad either. And it’s nice to watch Zoe with the bazooka, but that’s about it. The story seems to run on the spot and even though we are given a round-the-world tour, it’s a series of really short visits (Dubai, Bombay, New Mexico). I enjoyed it, but I expected a little more. - Am I the only one who sees this shirt? - It's my niece's little league soccer team, the Petunias, they're in the finals. ()


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Englisch I actually didn't expect anything at all. The scoundrels slipped through my fingers unnoticed, I didn't know much about them and then just stared incomprehensibly. The movie is actually a classic action comedy that could currently be compared to the A-Team movie. However, unlike that movie, it is not only entertaining, but also finally nicely action-packed and full of fresh actors. Or I must admit that I haven't seen those actors in any other movie before. And here everyone was quoting how crazy it was and making a huge joke out of the movie. Maybe it's because of the style of humor or the fact that the actors who appear in the movie are not only likable, but also pretty cool throughout. I just confirmed that action comedies haven't disappeared, that they can offer not only nice, and not nonsensical action, but also a bunch of absolutely perfect lines that I will definitely repeat several times in the future. That was precisely the problem with the whole A-Team. It couldn't quote lines, but tried to entertain the audience with action that was so nonsensical that I felt like crying, but still was taken incredibly seriously. In Parchants, it really doesn't take itself seriously, but the action is so intense that you will simply believe it. The beginning is the best part of it all. Something like that. But come on, they drop bombs there, we have seven minutes to save the entire village. And the action can begin. Scoundrels is a fantastic movie, none has surprised me for a long time. I don't understand the ratings here again, but it doesn't surprise me either. When I watch the movie again, I might even give it five stars, because I haven't seen so many lines and fun in an action movie for a long time. ()


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Englisch It’s too bad that Peter Berg didn't get behind the camera himself because Sylvain White is an untalented (non) craftsman for whom the term "idea" is a dirty word. From a militant comic book team-up, I would have liked more than just an uninteresting patchwork that settles for a few blown-up sparklers, over which the camera occasionally circles as if it were terribly cool, and most importantly, the more polished group of tough guys. The only thing that works is Chris Evans, who’s simply good at funny catchphrases, as well as Idris Elba's bad-ass motherfuckery. The rest is bland (the tired J.D. Morgan), or annoying (the overacting Jason Patrick), just like the rest of the film. Given the production team and the fact that it's supposed to be a direct competition to Carnahan's The A-Team, this a very bad mess. ()

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