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Für JCVD läuft es alles andere als rund: Er hat den Sorgerechtsstreit um seine Tochter verloren, die in der Schule wegen ihres Dads gehänselt wird. Zudem ist seine Ex-Frau der Meinung, seine Filme würden mehr als genug über seine väterlichen Qualitäten aussagen. Seinen Anwalt muss Jean-Claude natürlich trotzdem fristgerecht entlohnen und so kommt er entnervt und pleite in seiner Heimat Brüssel an. Dort will er eigentlich nur Geld abheben, doch dann kommt alles anders ... (Sat.1)


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Trailer 1

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Deutsch Welcher Junge hätte in den Neunzigern nicht Bloodsport, Karate Tiger oder Kickboxer gesehen. Van Damme war eine Ikone und ein Vorbild für Tausende Fans. Ich habe lange keinen Film mit ihm gesehen, denn das Genre von B- und C-Actionfilmen lockt mich nicht mehr so sehr. JCVD sollte aber, zumindest der Inhaltsangabe nach, eine etwas andere Unterhaltung bieten. Meine Bewertung wird wohl recht stark dadurch beeinflusst, dass ich den Film immer in den Nachtstunden anschaltete, und so bin ich dabei wohl achtmal eingeschlafen und habe ihn in zehn Anläufen geschaut. Ich habe, was ihn betrifft, recht gemischte Gefühle, deshalb wähle ich die goldene Mitte. An den Film werde ich mich sicher in zwei Zusammenhängen erinnern. Die beste Szene ist Van Dammes selbstgeißlerischer Monolog, und zweitens, Zinedine Soualem hat eine genauso widerliche Frisur wie Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men. ()


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Englisch Van Damme’s best movie. An incredible mixture of fiction and reality that makes sense and mainly works splendidly. Jean-Claude gives the performance of a lifetime (in fact, everybody involved acts superbly) and the scene where he basically confesses to everything in priceless. Director El Mechri uses an incredible suggestive method of filming that swallows you whole. Dividing it into chapters is a little confusing at first, but then begins to work superbly. There are also lots of references that will please every real fan of stars that have stopped shining - Seagal, Chuck Norris, or in fact Van Damme. The discussion in the video rental store is just perfect. + Perfect soundtrack. ()



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Englisch Jean-Claude Van Damme, in his later years, shows that he's not just a tough guy, but that he can also handle some acting, and he's damn good at it. This is the film that started his comeback and it's definitely not just any action old film. It's a pretty strong drama, especially from the perspective that it's incredibly personal, and JCVD isn't afraid to really expose himself and delve deeply into what must hurt. I'm glad he's back in this form. JCVD is just great. ()


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Englisch The bank part is terribly boring, but absolutely poignant and almost satirical fragments from behind the scenes fully make up for this. However, it all relies on one thing. Van Damme, who built a larger than life platinum pedestal for himself with this movie and then clambered up to pose proudly on it. And rightly so. Hanging up the washing of a defunct star in public through a “pseudo movie reality show" probably required as much courage as there are jokes (or truths?) about Chuck Norris. So, Jean-Claude, you said what you wanted and now go back to Bulgaria to film another dud about an unstoppable nuclear train. Although, if there was a pinch of sincerity in what you said, you should hang up your kick-boxing gloves on a nail and try a different approach to acting. You obviously have it in you, I would swallow that tearful monolog even if you served it with broccoli. And normally I can’t even look at it, let alone eat it. ()


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Englisch Unfortunately, I do not share the positive views of this film, which was supposed to be a kind of transition for Jean-Claude Van Damme from B-movies to serious cinema. I have never been a fan of his, and even during his biggest period of fame, I only saw three or four of his biggest hits. Even less known to me is his filmography from the decline of his career. However, I am willing to believe that this is probably his best acting performance and I cannot overlook the effort he made to break out of his box. The problem is that there was too much of that effort, and as we know, it can easily turn awkward. This was supposed to be a stylish pure comedy, not a mash-up of styles where the attempt at a thriller dominates. The opening title sequence is excellent, and Van Damme clearly does not take himself seriously in it, nor does he take the genre seriously, in which he feels at home, and the exaggeration has quite the kick. But then it gets serious, at times relies on sentiment and dusts off his star status. Although the combination of genres sometimes works, it is generally much easier to make a pure genre film than a genre crossbreed. In my opinion, it didn't work here. There is a valuable idea in this film, but it is not properly developed. If Van Damme had followed the path of, for example, the French comedy For 200 Grand, You Get Nothing Now, it could have turned out great as honest comedic entertainment. Van Damme simply didn't handle the attempt at artistic transcendence. Perhaps it is also because he probably talked too much and yet did not have a top director who would stubbornly follow his own vision and discipline the star. Overall impression: 45%. ()

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