
Die hübsche Jane Nichols organisiert mit viel Hingabe Hochzeiten, doch privat ist sie Single. Schon 27 ihrer Freundinnen stand sei zur Seite und hatte deshalb keine Zeit, sich um ihr eigenes Liebesglück zu kümmern. Zwar ist sie heimlich in ihren Chef George verliebt, doch der will ausgerechnet ihre Schwester Tess heiraten. Aber dann taucht Kolumnist Kevin auf ... (ProSieben)


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Englisch On Valentine's Day, watching 27 Dresses is not a sin and nothing to be ashamed of. Katherine Heigl is charming, Malin Akerman unbearable, and both gentlemen a bit redundant. Unnecessarily long, but within the realm of romantic comedies, solid. ()


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Englisch Katherine Heigl has created a niche for herself. Her face - and actually her whole body - obviously suits romantic comedies. She probably doesn't mind, because her next movie is supposed to be another comedy that is quite fittingly called "The Big Wedding". "27 Dresses" is already a bit older piece, but it's also about weddings. Jane is the woman who can arrange a wedding for you from the first step to the very last one. As a planner, she is absolutely perfect, just there is one problem. She cannot properly plan her own life, by which I mean her intimate life, of course. More: ()