
A young girl (Jodelle Ferland) lives in a terrifying and gruesome world. When her father (Jeff Bridges) takes her away to a rural farmhouse, she finds herself in a bizarre fantasy world where only her dolls' heads keep her company. When she meets a mentally damaged man and a tall ghost-like woman, the line between her imagination and reality quickly disappears. (Verleiher-Text)


Kritiken (5)


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Englisch If you're ashamed of your childhood days when you thought you could get pregnant with a kiss, licked your friend's pubes, rolled your foreskin in front of your mates, and ate live earthworms for fun, don't be. Gilliam still does it today ;) ()


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Englisch Jodelle Ferland’s “one child show" who steals the entire movie, despite the excellent performances of all those involved. Tideland certainly isn’t a movie for everybody, or rather it suits the taste of only a minority of viewers who happen to be in the right mood to like it. If you are lucky enough and it suits you, then you definitely won’t mind that it basically isn’t about anything and it’s rather long-winded. The atmosphere will get to you and the whole movie then flows away like water under a bridge. It’s a really unusual experience and possibly the “sickest" movie seen at the movie theater for years (and perhaps ever). Gilliam still has it in him and particularly the camerawork is something that catches the eye and pleasantly surprises throughout the movie. ()



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Englisch Alice in Wonderland on acid. It might get a bit monotonous after a while, but I can't help it, I enjoyed this conception of the world around me through the imaginative fantasies of a little girl, I enjoyed going out with her doll "friends" (or rather their heads) to explore the countryside, with the mentally handicapped Luke I enjoyed swimming in the sea of tall blades of grass and falling down the rabbit hole. And I can see why Terry chose Cullin's novel, it was the perfect material for his unbridled imagination and playfulness. Gilliam is back on form after a bit of a break isn’t he? ()


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Englisch I didn't like this movie. I didn't like it at all. Terry Gilliam usually doesn't deserve such low ratings, but in hindsight, I feel that even 20% is too much. The film portrays the adventure of a little girl, a dark and unpleasant adventure. The girl plays with doll heads that speak, creating her own worlds, her own ideas of reality. She has parents who are drug addicts and soon die. However, her father continues deteriorating in front of her for a while. Jeff Bridges can play a corpse very well. But the main character of the film is the girl, played by Jodelle Ferland, yes, the same girl who portrayed Alessa in the movie "Silent Hill". She is amazing, she acts beautifully, but what Gilliam made her do... I don't know. Her parents must have been very happy about it. This film is disturbing. It portrays disturbing things and exposes a young girl to disturbing things. I like that Gilliam himself was aware that this film wouldn't be well received. It can't be well received. Sure, he can shoot a prologue and say that this is the world seen through the eyes of a child, that it is innocent, but damn, when a creator has to shoot such a prologue, he knows damn well that something is not right there. It's not right. I don't mean to say that the film is pedophilic, that would be too harsh, but on the other hand, it's not far from it. It's art and art. Labeling the film as a "poetic horror" doesn't solve the problem. It's a scary film, but definitely not because it has a great atmosphere. It's like entering the mind of a madman who has it a little confused and dreams his not-so-perverse dream about a little girl. If you feel that Gilliam didn't cross the line of taste, I won't argue with your opinion, but I think he definitely crossed that line. In addition, the use of digital elements in some scenes looks incredibly terrible. It's a shame for Gilliam because there is little to criticize in terms of visuals. More: ()


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Englisch One star goes to Gilliam for his boundless imagination and one for Jodelle Ferland's acting performance. If she maintains the same playfulness, immediacy, and ability to transform herself, she will become the new Kirsten Dunst. I would like to continue with the positives, but I have to admit that I no longer have anything to add. The problem is that Gilliam's story this time did not seem compelling enough to me, and I openly found myself bored for most of the film. His created world simply did not captivate me, and I neither feared for nor rooted for his protagonist. It just passed me by. Overall impression: 40%. Some consider Tideland morbid, some consider it insane, I consider it stereotypical and tiresome... ()

Galerie (40)