


Als eine junge Frau ermordet aufgefunden wird, machen sich acht Highschool-Studenten einen Spaß daraus, ihre Mitschüler zu schocken. Sie verbreiten das Gerücht, dass ein Serienkiller namens "The Wolf" freigekommen sei. Detailliert beschreiben sie, wie der Killer angeblich seine nächsten Opfer aussuchen und töten wird. Das vermeintliche Spiel gerät völlig außer Kontrolle, als der Täter ihre Lügen als Vorlage nimmt - und wirklich so tötet! Ein Wettlauf gegen die Zeit beginnt ... (sixx)


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Englisch There is no way this deserves more than two stars as there was absolutely no trace of a horror atmosphere. It was more of a thriller inspired by standard American high-school slasher films, the story unfolding in a completely predictable way. The final twist was a pleasant surprise for me, though. ()


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Englisch The American film Cry Wolf is not badly shot, it has simple cinematography and simple visuals, which basically don’t show any blood. And why not? The film is not based on blood at all. It's based on lies. But there are so many of them at one point that you're no longer even interested in unravelling what happened. And that's certainly not what this film wanted to do. Yet it hastily succeeded in doing so. It’s too overcomplicated. ()



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Englisch It's a classic horror thriller set in a school environment, where a masked killer is on the loose. Although I've seen this before several times, Cry wolf really caught my attention, it's like a 3 or 4, but within the genre and for the resolution I lean towards a higher rating. ()

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