Dead Zone

  • Deutschland Dead Zone - Der Attentäter (mehr)
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Johnny Smith fällt nach einem Autounfall ins Koma. Fünf Jahre später erwacht er daraus und stellt fest, dass er übersinnliche Fähigkeiten besitzt. Wenn er Hände berührt, kann er in die Vergangenheit, aber auch in die Zukunft sehen und auf letztere Einfluss nehmen. Johnny Smith fällt nach einem schweren Autounfall in ein Langzeitkoma. Fünf Jahre später erwacht er daraus und stellt fest, dass er übersinnliche Fähigkeiten besitzt. Wenn er die Hände von Menschen berührt, kann er deren Vergangenheit, aber auch ihre Zukunft sehen und auf letztere Einfluss nehmen. Die Visionen, die der Protagonist hat, entstehen in einem normalerweise ungenutzten Teil des menschlichen Gehirns, der sogenannten toten Zone, die in diesem Fall durch das Trauma von Unfall und Koma aktiviert wurde. Johnny Smiths neue Gabe, dank derer er seine Mitmenschen vor Schicksalsschlägen warnen und ihnen damit helfen kann, entpuppt sich rasch als Last und führt ihn schließlich in ein großes Dilemma. Im Vorfeld der US-Präsidentschaftswahlen hat er die Vision, dass einer der Kandidaten einen Atomkrieg auslösen werde. Sein Neurologe erteilt ihm einen Ratschlag, der in ihm die Entschlossenheit weckt, sein Leben zu opfern, um andere zu retten. Der Präsidentschaftskandidat wird letztendlich politisch diskreditiert und nicht gewählt. (arte)


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Trailer 2

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Englisch The question arises: What would a person do if they had the information that Johnny has? How would they act? Or an even crazier question – are terrorists in every case lunatics, or can one of them be a visionary? We won't learn the answer, but in my opinion, these are questions worth pondering. We don't know what impact our actions have on the future, but we are still shaping it. David Cronenberg managed to create a beautiful story about a person who decides to act for the greater good. ()


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Englisch Very good thriller that relies mainly on superb performances and brilliant direction. Cronenberg’s austere style fits the story, and so does the surprisingly calm and bloodless concept, which is not something usual for the director. The only thing I didn’t like is that the first twist is solved around the middle and then we start again, resulting in a film that, though effective, is not entirely solid. ()



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Englisch What the screenwriter spoiled by approaching the whole screenplay just by singling out key passages in the book (and leaving out the whole palaver with replacing forgotten words), while this is made up for with the snowy atmosphere, Walken’s intimate performance and Kamen’s music. I also praise for Cronenberg, but maybe he could have given us more of a “he doesn’t know and magazine cover doesn’t appear until during the closing credits" ending. But this certainly is one of the most successful King adaptations. If only it hadn’t been so rushed. ()


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Englisch Excellent premise, a great Christopher Walken, decent atmosphere, but unfortunately a slower pace. Virtually nothing happens in that surprised, excited or delighted me. The film slowly flows to the end and it's a shame. David Cronenberg went low-key with this film, as his perverse and strongest side is not on display here. 65% ()


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Englisch The Dead Zone is a film whose review is influenced by knowledge of the book and Cronenberg's previous works. The potential was much greater in both cases, so I feel that The Dead Zone is a film that lacks balls. Early Cronenberg managed to go against the current and shoot provocative, crazy, and depressing films, which not everyone could handle, but which pushed the genre forward. This is simply too conventional, and even Christopher Walken can be much more creative and more useful for the genre of mystery film than he showed here. The foundation remained, but the film did not show all the depths, pains, uncertainties, desperation, torturous feelings of responsibility, and fear of the future. Maybe the producers clipped Cronenberg's wings, or maybe he had too respectful of a relationship with King's novel, but this could have been shot more creatively. Overall impression: 60%. ()

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