


Der Anthropologe Dr. Steven Cale, begleitet von der Dokumentarfilmerin Terri Flores, sucht in den Tiefen des Amazonas-Regenwaldes nach einem bislang unentdeckten Indianerstamm. Unterwegs gabelt das Team den zwielichtigen Schlangenexperten Paul Sarone auf. Doch der hat andere Pläne: Unbemerkt lockt er die Gruppe in einen unbekannten Seitenarm des Amazonas. Dort will Sarone ein lebendes Exemplar der sagenumwobenen Riesen-Anaconda fangen. (kabel eins)


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Deutsch Anaconda ist ein gewöhnlicher Popcorn-Schund ohne Spannung, Emotionen und Figuren, aber mit einem schleimigen Monster. Erstaunlicherweise ist der größte Schuft im Film nicht das Monster, sondern die Negativgestalt von Jon Voight. ()


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Englisch It's a classic B-movie with a weird tough guy, a hot woman and a black man who never dies. Just everything we are used to. And the snake? The digital one doesn't impress anybody anymore and the artificial one is hilarious. ()



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Englisch Well, dreadful. But sometimes I laughed at this half-witted variation, simply because I had to. ()


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Englisch I’ve never quite understood the huge criticism of this film. It’s true that the visual effects are worthless and that the story never saw a quality screenwriter, but that aside, Anaconda is a fairly brisk and at times even tense adventure film that plays mostly for effect – be it in the form of the killer snake, which despite its digital appearance is quite often in plain sight, or in the form of the beautiful backside of Jennifer Lopez, whose skimpy outfit gets a lot of attention. But in my opinion, the biggest asset is the fiendish performance of John Voight, whose villain sent chills down my spine and immediately won all my sympathies. Unfortunately, the anaconda in the role of the villain is far from his level and ironically spoils the overall impression. Still, a perfectly worthy 60%. ()

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