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Rayne, halb Mensch, halb Vampir, ist eine Zirkusattraktion, bis sie sich bei einem versuchten Übergriff befreit. Jetzt zieht sie aus, um sich endlich an ihrem Vater, dem schrecklichen Vampir Kagan, zu rächen. Dafür braucht sie die drei mächtigen Artefakte, Körperteile des großen Vampirs Belal, nach denen auch Kagan trachtet. Rayne hat wertvolle Unterstützer. (TELE 5)


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Deutsch Na ja… Hmm... Es ist kein Boo!, es ist aber ein schlechter Film. Am meisten haben mich wahrscheinlich die Abweichungen von der Geschichte des Computerspiels enttäuscht – ich dachte, dass ich Rayne sehen werde, wie er in Zeitlupe Soldaten der Wehrmacht niedermetzelt. Das war aber leider nicht der Fall. Herr Boll hat sich anders entschieden. Er hat versucht, die Geschichte durch das klassische Rachemotiv zu bereichern (was ein Vorhaben war, das Anerkennung verdient) und die Anfänge der Vampirin zu schildern. Dass dieser Versuch gescheitert ist, das ist schon eine andere Geschichte. Zumindest hat er für den Film viele bekannte Gesichter gefunden (Wie macht er das nur? Wie gelingt es ihm, sie zu beschwatzen?). Bloodrayne lockt also das Publikum mit Kristanna Loken (für die Hauptrolle ist sie genau der richtige Typ), mit dem schleimigen Kingsley, dem sympathischen Madsen und den megaperversen Meat Loaf und Kier in den Nebenrollen. Für die Besetzung gebe ich einen Stern, einen halben Stern bekommen ein paar witzige Szenen. Und wegen der unglaublichen Tatsache, dass ich mir diesen Film bis zum Ende angeschaut habe und dass ich ihn nicht unerträglich doof fand (wie die meisten Experten hier), runde ich meine Bewertung auf. ()


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Englisch However I had almost found Uwe Boll appealing with his harmless effort Alone in the Dark, I quickly ended up changing my mind after Bloodrayne. All the criticism and hatred is justified this time. The fight scenes are painful to watch, the camera movements from a distance unsuccessfully try to imitate The Lord of the Rings, and the actors are terrible, each one worse than the next. Michael Madsen looks like he doesn't understand where he ended up, Michelle Rodriguez has nothing to play, Ben Kingsley just recites his lines, and Billy Zane probably only showed up for a paycheck. Only Kristanna Loken retains some of her dignity, though she acts clumsily, at least she has a passionate scene with real intensity. How this could become a multi-part saga, I will never understand. ()


Lima booo!

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Englisch I'm not going to ride the wave of the now so popular and notorious swearing at Uwe when the guy is really doing his best to do so as well. The script and the dialogues are as if from the pen of a seven-year-old Special School pupil. The production design is so poor that one wonders what Uwe did with the 25 million dollar budget. As a result Boll compensates the poor visuals with frequent use of kitschy aerial shots of riders on horseback, but on the other hand the only positive thing is that he is not afraid to show blood, though the choreography of the fights is appalling. Michael Madsen and Ben Kingsley certainly knew what they had signed up for, so they don't even try to act. The former in particular looks as if he's about to take a nap at any moment, and Ben certainly won’t place his vampire Kagan alongside Gandhi and Itzhak Stern, his delivery is downright sedentary. Fortunately, there’s Kristanna Loken. She can act only slightly better than a porn actress, but I've had a soft spot for this hottie since Terminator 3, and in fact the only thing that helped me get through the hour and a half was a glimpse of her cleavage. The eloquent conclusion shows that a sequel was planned, which is certainly not imminent after a worldwide gross of about $3 million (ugh!). ()

Isherwood booo!

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Englisch A Norwegian model runs around in a medieval setting, dressed as a sexy dominatrix, trying to eliminate as many vampires as possible. of course, it’s under the direction of a German crew with Führer Boll, who decided to destroy Hollywood from its very core. It’s unimaginative, lengthy, lacks action, and above all boring. That’s because Boll is not good at even the most basic filmmaking disciplines, so it's hard to blame the actors for not doing much when they are obviously groping for what the scene is about. And then there’s the fact that the actors' lines contradict what is happening in the scenes (see the several times mentioned "rape and murder" of Rayne’s mother, which turns out to be a single stab with a dagger in a relatively illustrative flashback)... I really don't believe this will be a collector's item for perverted connoisseurs in 20 years. ()

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