
This teen comedy, full of suspense, romance, and action thrills, explores one playful aspect of the new millennium's younger generation. During a joyous Christmas vacation, Rendy and Jáchym head for the Bohemian Forest to learn to snowboard. Jáchym's cousin puts them up for free - and then puts them to work in return. On top of that, snowboarding isn't as easy as it looks... Then they meet three cute and friendly snowboarding girls. The boys think they've got it made but they're not the only ones interested. Their rivals are confident, good-looking guys who know how to snowboard. Nothing else to do but come up with a mildly underhanded plan... (Verleiher-Text)


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Deutsch Es ist entsprechend oberflächlich, selbstsüchtig und kalt, aber überraschenderweise hat es mir ganz gut gefallen. Das Drehbuch traf die tschechische Umgangssprache und die Neologismen anständig, Janák schaffte es, den Film im Rahmen des Möglichen modern zusammenzukleben, die Hauptdarsteller spielten recht entspannt und meisterten das Duell mit den Matadoren der Leinwand mit Bravour. Der Soundtrack von Chyška ist ebenfalls von hoher Qualität, und natürlich wird der männliche Teil einige schlüpfrig anmutende Szenen zu schätzen wissen, in denen man die feine Ästhetik der Körper von Barbora Seidlová und Martina Klírová bewundern kann... Kommt Ihnen das pubertär vor? Okay, deshalb also die drei Sterne. ()


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Englisch Nowadays, it can be retrospectively assessed that Snowboarders started a wave of new films for teen audiences, which pretty much justifies their existence. As a historical impulse or element that had to arrive anyway. The youths born after November had long since stopped being curious about old Czech films and needed something purely topical that they could understand. They will understand especially all the modern details that normalization did not know, and the new faces and the new slang. This, of course, doesn't mean that Snowboarders is any good, but it has become the sovereign king in a hole in the market. The derivative works had to suffer for the next two or three years. And today? Today's teens don't know anything they haven’t seen streamed, so it's possible to bring them back just to that break and wait to see what the designated successor is. ()



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Englisch I think Snowboarders is an excellent and funny comedy for teenagers. In Czechia it's perhaps only topped by The Can. Plus this is the film that "discovered" Jirka Mádl, which is a big plus for the Czech scene (except when he made the moronic Stahovák), and Vojta Kotek, who is also quite talented... Pavla Tomicová shines again and leaves the audience bursting with laughter! ()


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Englisch To begin with great, hard-hitting and funny, but as of the second third the movie starts crumbling. A well-made scene jumps out at you here and there, but otherwise it works its way to the end and... And nothing doing. In any case, this picture is tolerable and to a certain extent a success, given the target group it is aimed at. ()


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Englisch This relaxed comedy lost a significant part of its charm through all the scrutiny in the media, but Karel Janák will never be robbed of having hit the bullseye at the right time. Unfortunately, the wave that followed this winter madness left a somewhat bitter taste and compounded damages to the audience behind it, but the first bet on the buddy chemistry of Vojtěch Kotek and Jiří Mádl is fortunately the only one that still works to this day. ()

Galerie (18)