Night of the Living Dead

  • Canada Night of the Living Dead (more)
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Brother and sister Johnny (Russell Streiner) and Barbara (Judith O'Dea) travel to a remote town in Pennsylvania to visit the gravesite of their deceased father. But the dreaded trip turns into a terrifying nightmare when a flesh-eating zombie attacks the pair, killing Johnny. Barbara escapes and runs to the first residence she sees - a lone farmhouse where a group of people has taken refuge against the monsters. But their hiding place isn't safe for long. When darkness falls, a mass of ravenous zombies descends upon the house, and by the dawning of the next day, all that's left is a single survivor. (Echo Bridge Entertainment)


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Reviews (4)


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English Romero uncompromisingly severed the horror genre from its gothic-supernatural roots and, influenced by Matheson’s novel I Am Legend, shocked viewers with what was probably the first instance of so-called sociological horror (of which Craven is sometimes erroneously referred to as the originator). He succeeded in depicting the contemporary fear of a repressive regime and the unease stemming from the rising quantity and brutality of violence in the streets. Perhaps the most telling commentary on the times is the conclusion, when those who proved to be the biggest monsters are not the zombies, but the rural (white) bumpkins who represent untrustworthy authority. The cheapness of the visual aspect was partly a matter of necessity and partly an effort to approximate television news of the time (also in black-and-white). The result is not only a ground-breaking horror film that ushered in the wave of unkempt “feel-bad” movies (e.g. The Last House on the Left, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre), but also a cruel and accurate depiction of the mood of (not only) American society at a turning point. 85% ()


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English This great classic failed to impress me much, but I have to admit that it definitely has its specific charm. Above all, it’s worth mentioning the escalating atmosphere and the perfectly chosen setting of a remote farmhouse, where the sight of an increasing number of plodding killers does not bode well. Moreover, Romero was born for the zombie genre and knows how to work it perfectly, so that even the slowly shambling actors with poor make-up can evoke the same sense of unease as the modern sprinting monsters. What irritated me (besides the terrible dubbing) was the absurd behaviour of the main characters, where only one of them was capable of rational thinking, while the others just wailed or stared at the wall. But since I smiled with incomprehension only for the first twenty minutes, it really turned out to be very decent and thrilling horror :) The rating is right between 3 and 4*, but I'm leaning towards 4 stars mainly because it is an undeniable leap in the genre and still one of its best representatives. ()



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English Gooorrre!!! A great horror film. That's what brutal horror is supposed to be - less talk, straight to the point. A cozy graveyard, a little brother and sister come to cry at Dad's tomb, when... they're coming to get you, Judi! Gentlemen and ladies who have walked strangely for a while now want to take a break from the comfort of the grave and go out among the living... Night of the Living Dead above all has a great atmosphere from the first moment, an excellent camera, atmospheric music and properly amateur acting performances that give it flair. A cult film that has everything. The kind of film we call "genre-making". With the passing of the years, it is a little lukewarm in places, but at every second an expressive stylization reminiscent of the era of mute film. So it’s not only watchable, but even riveting. It’s hard to find a more brutal and better horror. So make sure they don’t get you the next time you visit Krchov... ()


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English Paradoxically, Night of the Living Dead is the last entry in Romero’s zombie series that I watched, and I have to say that he hasn’t been able to surpass his debut yet. It’s true that some moments feel a bit ridiculous today, likewise with the behaviour of the characters, but the film has retained its atmosphere (and the midnight screening really helped). I really loved that the protagonists get their information from TV and radio broadcasts, it felt very realistic and reminded me of the 2002 floods, when we waited for the latest news as impatiently as them. The ending is also worth mentioning, it’s really good (even though it has some gaps in the logic). ()

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