The New Mutants

  • USA X-Men: The New Mutants (more)
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Set in an isolated hospital where a group of young mutants is being held for psychiatric monitoring. When strange occurrences begin to take place, both their new mutant abilities and their friendships will be tested as they battle to try and make it out alive. (20th Century Fox)

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Reviews (9)


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English New Mutants, a long-delayed affair that finally made it to theaters, would have been more at home on Netflix. It's not bad though, I was a bit annoyed that the whole film takes place in the dark and has very dark visuals (it felt like 480P quality in the cinema), but the setting in an institution is good and the characters are quite likeable, with Scream Queen Anya Taylor-Joy shining the most, already notching up 6. She's also appearing in the highly anticipated The Northman and Last Night in Soho, the girl just rocks, she's great and I'm rooting for her. Here she plays a sassy bitch and is also the best character in the whole film. The film is quite suspenseful and mysterious and the most interesting scene is the arrival of Smiley Man, who has a great mask and looked unpleasant. But the film is brought down by the very digital finale with the giant bear, which looked more teen fantasy than horror, but considering the problems the film faced it probably turned out better than expected. Story***, Action***, Humor>No, Violence>No, Entertainment****, Music***, Visual***, Atmosphere***. 6.5/10. ()


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English The name you're looking for is I Am Number Four. This was, in fact, a similar high school debauchery that was made for the sole purpose of groping the potential for creating a new young adult franchise and was transparent about it all the way through. With films like The New Mutants, you almost tend to personify the film medium due to how naturally resistant it can be to these attempts to simply monetize it purely, without any further ambition or ability. Perhaps only unloaded sadists who will groan at the way actors struggle with their accents and ultimately their roles might find some satisfaction. However, the discomfort of watching it is far more pervasive. Witnessing the discomfort of everyone involved in a film of only six actors is rather comparable to being the only one to attend the birthday party of an unpopular classmate. ()



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English I did not exactly like this movie! Where are the X-Men, horror, a supposedly strongly romantic narrative, and also, suspense? Well, all this is supposed to be there, although I did not really find any. It is a rather unscary horror movie! The X-Men appear in this although it feels more like they belong to a TV show than a movie because the characters do not really have enough screen time, so it does not really work. The romantic narrative is not really very believable, there was too little chemistry, and it felt like it was just tacked onto the screenplay. Towards the end - maybe - there is a little suspense... So, I stand by the fact that this was a flop of a movie. I am not going to watch it again and there is no need for a sequel... 3/10 ()


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English The New Mutants is labeled as a horror, sci-fi and action film, but after screening it, I have to conclude that almost none of the genre levels work as I would have liked and expected. The trailer had more of a scary and action atmosphere than the film itself, which is really a shame because there was a lot of potential and a touch of otherness to the other pieces from the X-Men universe. The characters and their abilities are interesting on the one hand, but somewhat threadbare, so that you don’t really feel compelled to root for them at all – the only character I was at least a little bit interested in was Illyana (and Lockheed and her demonic “smiley faces”). Even the proven hospital setting didn't work as well as it could or should have. My expectations were simply too high for The New Mutants. ()


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English This potentially interesting horror comic-book film turned out to be such an eviscerated nothing. The New Mutants would like to lean on the characters, but the creators are virtually uninvolved with them. They'd like to differentiate themselves from other X-Men movies by setting them in the horror genre, but the scary scenes are more or less stripped down here. And while it looks pretty nice and the bunch of heroes are quite likeable despite their shallowness, it's not enough for a good movie. After years of waiting, a film that does practically nothing to impress has arrived in the cinemas. ()

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