
Christian Wolff (Affleck) is a math savant with more affinity for numbers than people.  Behind the cover of a small-town CPA office, he works as a freelance accountant for some of the world's most dangerous criminal organizations.  With the Treasury Department's Crime Enforcement Division, run by Ray King (J.K. Simmons), starting to close in, Christian takes on a legitimate client: a state-of-the-art robotics company where an accounting clerk (Anna Kendrick) has discovered a discrepancy involving millions of dollars.  But as Christian uncooks the books and gets closer to the truth, it is the body count that starts to rise. (Warner Bros. UK)


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English How could the Oscars have given this movie a snub? The Accountant is such a great movie, in fact the best American movie I have seen in a while. And who would have thought that Ben Affleck would be a part of that again? That Affleck about whom most of us used to think he is not much of an actor. Well and in this film he portrays the weirdest of weird characters who not only behaves stangely, but he manages to give us a pleasant surprise with some great flim-making moments in the course of the film. Nevertheless, I don’t want to appreciate only the acting performances, I would like to focus on the story as well, which may seem a bit confusing at the beginning, only to turn into a glorious epic after about an hour that tells the epic story of an accountant who will undoubtedly become the best accountant in the whole wide world. On top of that, you get the incredibly natural Anna Kendrick, who once again simply plays herself. She made me so happy as she had done in Up in the Air. Well and J. K. Simmons? Since Whiplash he has been putting in one great performance after another. The Accountant is simply a film-making balm on the human soul that will playfully remind you of the best of America at a time when not too many good things seem to be coming out of that country. Well, good on them! ()


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English Definitely one of the surprises of the year. This intricate psychological drama about autism, O'Connor is interspersed with John Wick-style brutal, kick-ass action. Affleck is brilliantly cast. The story moves along nicely and there’s always something happening. Even the accounting part is entertaining. No shortage of witty situations involving Ben vs. the Normal World. Bernthal makes a great villain. Imagine Batman vs. Punisher, who wouldn’t watch that? ()



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English Interesting film. Maybe a bit too convoluted and complicated for me in some places, I got lost at times and a few things seemed unnecessary, but otherwise an entertaining flick with good acting by Ben Affleck, decent action, clever dialogue and an engaging story. 75%. ()


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English Ex Navy Seals dudes got their asses handed to them by Denzel Washington in Equalizer, so they did a rematch in The Accountant and got their asses handed to them again, this time by Ben Affleck. It's not nearly as spectacular and visually captivating as former, but thanks to an interesting crime premise and great actors, it's no less entertaining, but on a slightly different note. The action is raw, manly and clear. The script, given the film's concept, is atypical, with some interesting digressions that usually make for the best acting (Bernthal - brotherly bond, Simmons - self-doubt, Lithgow - the practices of corporate politics), so the final impression is more than pleasant. One of the most compact little big action thrillers of recent times. ()


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English O'Connor disappointed me. Warrior was the best made cliché in history and completely blew me away, The Accountant is as cold as a woman on her period and downright insulting when it fails to end its so cleverly written story with progressively more significant themes in a way that would be at least somewhat memorable (and instead pulls off the most inappropriate twist for a narrative so serious and smart throughout). No one can deny the film is excellently cast (Affleck is perfect for the role), has balls, and the idea of a bespectacled autistic bureaucrat as a bad ass motherfucker terminator is awfully cool, but the director can only sell all that potential entertainment in a few action moments, otherwise he can't handle the surprising dramatic superficiality, unfortunately. And I was really looking forward to it. 65% ()

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