
Twelve people have walked on the moon, but only one man – Philippe Petit (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) – has ever, or will ever, walk in the immense void between the World Trade Center towers. Guided by his real-life mentor, Papa Rudy (Ben Kingsley), and aided by an unlikely band of international recruits, Petit and his gang overcome long odds, betrayals, dissension and countless close calls to conceive and execute their mad plan. (Sony Pictures)


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English The Walk brings us the story of a brave man who pursued his dream. Robert Zemeckis has once again delivered a remarkable film. The visual aspect is a great strength of the film, especially the scenes of walking on the wire between the twin towers. Gordon-Levitt was, in my opinion, a perfect choice for the lead role, as he played it very well, and the changed appearance of his face was really interesting. Additionally, throughout the film, there are perfect tracks that are pleasing to the ears. The ending was breathtaking; the scene felt authentic, and I commend those who created it. While it won't receive a perfect score, I still enjoyed the film, and I give it 80%. ()


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English It's like I went back in time fifteen years. Robert Zemeckis tells the extraordinary story of an ordinary dreamer at his usual unpretentious pace, leading the main character to a breathtaking catharsis in the final moments. And yet it doesn't reach the quality of the similar Cast Away and Contact, mainly because this is exactly what I expect from him, and therefore the surprising or even seat-raising moment is missing. On the other hand, The Walk referenced in the movie's title is arresting, and shows in full force what could be sensed from the beginning: that Philippe Petit is not at all petite as artists go, but more with the heart of Le Petit Prince, far above us in his head and desires – in the heights that remain forbidden to mere mortals like us. ()



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English Paradoxically, Zemeckis exaggerates it with that elegance on a rope. Petit's high jinks are staged openly as a theater / myth - the protagonist's personality is a stepping stone to an eccentric expedition to a place where there is no death, only "splendor" and everything is dominated by the avantgarde pose of the artist as an acrobat, a man who is not afraid of the abyss, because death is only about not inviting the depths to a duel. It's simple and naive, but in defense of the film, let it be said that this is exactly what it is aiming to be. The regression into Petit's childhood is Burtonian poetic (and unfortunately quite exaggerated), the very performance of the magnificent "coup" is again stylized as an exuberant and exciting heist. Apart from Gravity, the moments on the rope are quite possibly the most significant thing you will experience at IMAX. Unfortunately, in time, everything else is flat, very flowery, and emotionally completely barren. The only perception that really exists in this film is the dizzying depth underfoot. Everything else is just an epic narrated shallowness, streams of lightly spoken words of the exhibiting principal (Robert and Joseph), their funny exuberant "accent", which unfortunately do not help the drama very much.*** 1/2. P.S. I'm looking forward to the analyses of the neo-formalist wing - the film seems to really want it. ()


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English Zemeckis is a master of extraordinary human stories like this, because it takes a lot of skill and dexterity to cut out such an entertaining, well-thought-out and life-beating story puzzle from a colourless sketch with a single dramatic arc. Thanks to the humorous journey with many imaginative interludes, we fully connect with Levitt and his hero, accept his life values and root for his bringing his crazy plan to a successful end, even though such a happy ending cannot be doubted for a moment. And when the camera slides gracefully from the top of the World Trade Center into the silent depths of acrophobia, we almost feel the enormous power of the moment with the hero. There are flaws, and I personally regret that we don't actually get a chance to genuinely worry about Petit's life, but that doesn't change the fact that as an unorthodox celebration of human will and courage, the film works perhaps as well as it ever could... 85% ()


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English The atmosphere of the film was similar to the one in the film Hugo by the equally acclaimed director Martin Scorsese. In fact, the whole movie was extremely nice for me to watch, even though I knew it wasn’t quite par excellence. On the other hand, I think Robert Zemeckis squeezed the absolute maximum out of that story. Basically, we all know how it will turn out, but I still couldn’t shake off the tension that was thickening inside me towards the end. An absolutely perfect Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who obviously aced both French Parisian slang and walking on a rope, to amaze us all with a great acting performance. But he still didn’t manage to beat Ben Kingsley, who, evidently according to Phillip Petit’s own suggestion, played the Czech emigrant Rudolf and could give away his charisma to the rest of the acting staff. The more the pity it is that he had so few scenes where he could show off his talent. What can we do, the film was just about a slightly special character in the history of rope climbing, and the character could not have earned a better film than this one. And I’m quite glad that Joseph as Phillip Petit didn’t skimp on arrogance. A normal person would probably never be able to do this... ()

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