
The original 3D computer animated story follows Emmet, an ordinary, rules-following, perfectly average LEGO minifigure who is mistakenly identified as the most extraordinary person and the key to saving the world. He is drafted into a fellowship of strangers on an epic quest to stop an evil tyrant, a journey for which Emmet is hopelessly and hilariously underprepared. (official distributor synopsis)


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Reviews (12)


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English Thanks to awesome trailers and great reviews, my expectations were really high. Too high, unfortunately... It turned out to be a decent nostalgic animated movie full of great jokes and one-liners, except that 90% of them were given away by the authors in the trailers, so there wasn't much left. Plus, the final point of the movie... well, I wasn’t expecting anything groundbreaking, but this was really disappointing (even the Simpsons parody was better). In any case, there are also positives – I had fun for the most part, and the Danes are going to rake in loads of cash again. ()


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English I was incredibly excited for this movie because I knew that Lego just never disappoints. And it didn't. This is an excellent spectacle that is entertaining and creative in every way. The Lego figures and individual pieces, with their unique shapes, are utilized to great advantage here, and the whole thing just looks excellent. I had a great time with it, especially with all the pop culture references... A ballad for my soul. I literally ate up the ending. ()



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English You don't have to be a master builder to realize that the film's most significant asset is its subversive revolt against the Danish tycoon who churns out one cube set after another, from which it's now virtually impossible to build anything based on your own imagination; the heaps of humor, the Bruckheimer-esque action races and the great balance on all audience target groups are just a nice bonus. 4 ½. ()


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English Until the last moment, I couldn’t believe it would be so good. Lego Movie is packed with ideas, both in the visuals and in the dialogues, and it was such an onslaught at times that I almost couldn’t keep up. For a commercial movie for kids, it has some fairly smart overtones and an interesting resolution, which is of the self-serving kind, because it defends all the previous nonsense, but it’s not totally devoid of meaning. Really, I’m satisfied in every sense, this is the first blockbuster (if we can call it that) in a long time that exceeded my expectations. The theme song is so terrible that it’s incredibly catchy. ()


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English A few really polished jokes and the overall originality and liveliness of the setting can't quite make up for the quality level of the story, which is at times childish and sentimental to the point of shame, and in the end tries to dazzle with an idea that I wouldn't have bought into even as a father after three beers. Next time I'll opt for the dubbed version, which I'm sure will allow me to concentrate better on the elaborate visual details. For the time being, however, 65%. ()

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