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English The second half of the 1950s was very interesting for Czech cinema. With the advent of Khrushchev and his condemnation of Stalinist practices, our filmmakers gently probed what they could afford to criticize in their films and what else they couldn't, and this light, cautious treading is interesting to observe today. Which is not to say that this now forgotten film by Martin Frič was one of them. There is a little bit of disillusionment with the building enthusiasm, but mainly Frič attempted a new and not yet properly explored catastrophic genre in Czech cinema. The VERY awkward opening did not suggest that. In fact, for almost the entire first half hour we don't leave one room of an old house and the emotional outpourings of its inhabitants. It's static, and remarkably uninteresting even considering Frič's directorial abilities. Then things finally tip over to the right side, with quite nice cinematography and production design finally making the film vibrant with life, and nice visual effects here and there that doesn't put Frič to shame. Fortunately, there's not much "judging" going on here, no build-up pathos, or any other kind, except for the final tense fateful scene where a life is on the line. The whole plot takes place in one single night, and the nice cinematography manages to sell the contrast of artificial light and shadows. Pity about the boring opening third, unworthy of Frič's skill. ()

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