
In RED 2, the high-octane action-comedy sequel to the worldwide sleeper hit, retired black-ops CIA agent Frank Moses reunites his unlikely team of elite operatives for a global quest to track down a missing, next-generation lethal device that can change the balance of world power. To succeed, they'll need to survive an army of relentless assassins, ruthless terrorists and power-crazed government officials, all eager to get their hands on the technologically advanced super weapon. The mission takes Frank and his motley crew to Paris, London and Moscow. Outgunned and outmanned, they have only their cunning wits, their old-school skills, and each other to rely on as they try to save the world - and stay alive in the process. (official distributor synopsis)


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English Boredom. Major and unexpected. John Malkovich entertained, Anthony Hopkins entertained... But otherwise, almost no one and nothing. Bruce Willis gives us his most interesting performance in the warehouse cleaning scene in the opening, Mary-Louise Parker is unbearable throughout, although she was likable in the first RED, the script didn't prepare anything interesting for Helen Mirren apart from the insane asylum scene, Catherine Zeta-Jones was unnecessary, and never-mind the Korean "commie". Halfway through the film I was yawning with boredom, and that's not just some sort of example. The action scenes are unimaginative, the humor rather situational and very strange, even Alan Silvestri's music disappointed me this time. After the unexpectedly breezy first film came an even more unexpectedly boring second film, and I fear that there will be a third film that won't interest or entertain me in the slightest unless they talk Michael Caine into it. Two and a half stars. ()


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English I’d been saving this film for a long time, waiting for the right moment, and now that it’s finally come, it was pretty much what I expected — similar to the first one. A group of older characters chasing action that turns out to be dull, making the whole film pretty boring. There are a few decent lines and scenes, but overall it’s just average. American action comedies used to be better, but maybe their golden age is past. ()



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English The first one was simple, but also time direct and enjoyable. Red 2 has the same ills as, for instance, the sequel to Ocean’s Eleven: a layered plot that is confusing, crammed with different locations, jarring shifts and cuts, etc. It has no juice and the second time around it's a tired borefest. Not much action either, and the stuntmen are too visible. If it weren't for Helen Mirren in an unusual and unique role, and John Malkovich in full blast, this would be crap seen a hundred times that belongs in the toilet. ()


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English "Red 2" is a movie that I expected to have a good time with in the cinema, and that's exactly what I got. An action comedy in the best sense of the word. Yes, the film has its flaws, but that doesn't change the fact that I could laugh from the bottom of my heart in the cinema, and it happened several times. Sometimes, laughter has a much more important meaning for me than the artistry of the film. The plot is good, although nothing exceptional, but this is simply an acting performance that works from beginning to end. And there is already talk of a sequel. And I'm all for it. More: ()


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English DC is good. It’s fine old-school fun, and the trio of Willis, Malkovich, and Parker doesn't get old. Mirren has a perfect three weather taffeta in every circumstance, and Hopkins and Zeta-Jones entertain in every circumstance. But we all know that whatever happens in the Kremlin will always stay in the Kremlin. And that's why you should only see it in a 4DX cinema. ()

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