
ITV comedy drama series about the complex relationships of three Northern couples. Although Eddie (Shaun Dooley) wants to marry his long-term partner Lillie (Lucy Davis), she always refuses, because working in a women's shelter, she sees the pain it can bring. Meanwhile, Babs (Amanda Abbington) is on the verge of leaving her other half - unemployed, online poker addict Dickie (Dean Lennox Kelly). Finally, there's Dickie's brother Clint (Ralf Little), a serial womaniser, who's trying to get his hands on stunning model Abbey (Miranda Raison), only to find that she can see straight through him. (2 Entertain Video)


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English This is a British production in the spirit of the best traditions of their TV series. Partner relationships are explored from all possible angles and perspectives and feature stories of several modern couples with purely contemporary problems. Coming together, conflicts, breakups, and reconciliations are presented attractively in terms of both the script and the cast. Each of these characters have their strengths and flaws, but in their own way, they are all likable, and they were chosen in such a way that you can probably identify with one of them. With exaggeration, it can be said that they are the characters from Friends who have grown up and have rid themselves of the exhausting endless form of sitcoms diluted into countless series. It is a series about middle-aged people for viewers of the same age category. These characters rarely have wild parties anymore and have to share their time with their offspring. They know the value of passing time and unfortunately, also of human life. Overall impression: 80%. ()

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