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Carrie, a shy teenager with a fiercely religious and oppressive mother, struggles to come to terms with her emerging sexuality and extraordinary telekinetic powers. Just as she's beginning to enjoy a sudden change in her life, a cruel practical joke drives her to a monstrous act of revenge and destruction. (official distributor synopsis)

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Reviews (10)


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English I found it hard to rate this film, it’s subtle and precise as a drama, effective and terrifying as horror. Perhaps deliberately, perhaps unintentionally, De Palma completely abandoned King's mystery style and his story of a high school girl tormented by her mother and ridiculed by her classmates is an example of the kind of slow build-up of tension we know only from Kubrick's The Shining. Some of the scenes and the characters' actions may seem silly, predictable and tedious, but what we actually have here is a well-served teen drama that has everything in the right place, and the occasional glimpse of supernatural horror seems to prepare us for the impending climax. Sissy Spacek is absolutely fantastic in her role and her deranged and fanatical mother exudes a hearty aura of fear and madness thanks to Piper Laurie's performance. The last half hour is masterfully directed and perfectly reflects the unpleasant atmosphere that builds up during the film. Carrie probably won't bring modern audiences to their knees, but compared to today's would-be horror films, it has enormous charm. 75% ()


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English Stephen King chilled me to the bone with how he drove Carrie towards her magnificent finale without any signs of emotion or understanding, only occasionally peeking into her thoughts and wrapping everything in almost documentary form. Brian De Palma and Lawrence D. Cohen do it exactly the opposite way. Carrie becomes a supernatural being who does not belong to the ruthless and cynical world around her. Her feelings, whether it's anger, astonishment, or joy, are the main driving force of the story, which thanks to its brilliant form, elevates the story almost to a message. The original and the adaptation are ultimately quite different, yet both won my favor easily. ()



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English After many (and I mean many) years, I returned to this film, and I hate to admit it but I noticed some goofs that I hadn’t noticed before. Despite that, it is a film whose creators (as one of the few) did not butcher King's novel. Anyway, Sissy Spacek was brilliant and it's a shame that Piper Laurie didn't get more screen time, I think it would add to the atmosphere. 4- ()


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English It’s not really a bad thing that I first watched the new Carrie and only then returned to the original that was created under the wings of a movie legend – Brian De Palma. That’s because the new Carrie only seemed decent before I watched the original. I had no clue just how original De Palma’s horror is. It’s perfect, considering when it was made. It barely mentions telekinesis only to showcase an array of brutal scenes at the end that every one of us has been waiting for. It’s really worth it. I’m taking one star away from the new Carrie just by default. When I realize that this movie is nearly 40 years old and it still has a lot to offer, I’m almost terrified to think what the youth of today, the target audience of the new version, would think about it. You’d hardly find as many original ideas as the original Carrie came up with in a modern horror movie. ()


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English Absolutely brilliant in its direction, Brian De Palma's style is incredibly progressive and purposeful, at times, it feels like being on a roller coaster. It starts with a phenomenally shot scene in the showers, continues with several silent scenes (only music and image), and ends with the division of the screen into several frames and the sped-up voices of the actors. Insane, but incredibly daring. Some of the script tricks are hard to understand, but the story itself is relatively simple. However, it is the director's skills that truly stand out on this relatively flat and straightforward film. Sissy Spacek is not particularly terrifying, and even the final scene did not make me cover my eyes – although it is impressive, no doubt. However, there are several significantly better adaptations of Stephen King's books that easily overshadow the slightly above-average Carrie. ()

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