Captain America: The First Avenger

  • Australia Captain America: The First Avenger (more)
Trailer 3
USA, 2011, 119 min


In 1942, Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) is deemed physically unfit to enlist in the U.S. Army and fight the Nazis in World War II. Volunteering instead for Project: Rebirth, a secret military operation, he is physically transformed into a super-soldier dubbed Captain America. With sidekick Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan), he fights the Red Skull (Hugo Weaving), Hitler's treacherous head of advanced weaponry, whose own plan for world domination involves a seemingly magical object known as the Tesseract. (official distributor synopsis)


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English I have a soft spot for Joe Johnston's films. Why? Watch Jumanji, Hidalgo and Jurassic Park 3 and you might understand... The guy's filming because he enjoys it. He has no problem mixing action, special effects scenes of all kinds and humor, which is his greatest strength. So three cheers for him directing Captain America. I can't imagine another director (except perhaps Spielberg or Sommers) who could make such a ridiculous hero so "believable" in the real world. All in all, this comic book movie has it all: A wonderful retro atmosphere in the style of Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, likeable characters (big ones, with Chris Evans in the lead, and small ones, like the members of the Captain's team), ultra-evil villains, a really top-notch soundtrack by Alan Silvestri, action scenes like from a boy's dream (what does a soldier do when he runs out of bullets in an ordinary rifle? He grabs the nearest dead Kraut's ray gun, fires it away, and then takes it with him!), an admittedly forgettable love plot, but with a non-forgettable badass woman, good, eye-popping digital special effects, like in the fourth Indiana Jones, and thoughtful continuity with other Marvel movies (the big space given to Stark Sr. was a delight). In the closing credits you will not only see the Czech flag - you'll even see Jack Nicholson in there (I insist it's him)! ()


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English Captain America is pure popcorn entertainment, no doubt about that. But there are some things that stand out—mainly the action sequences. At times, it feels like a Shaolin warrior from a 70s kung-fu flick got dropped into WWII, showing off some serious aerial moves. The action isn’t bad, just... odd. It’s heavily digital, which can be a bit off-putting. But hey, it’s a comic book movie, so you have to roll with it. Laser guns in WWII? Sure, why not—that’s probably the least wild thing happening here. It’s all about the fun, so if you're not in the mood for over-the-top comic book madness, maybe sit this one out. ()



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English I think I'm going to hide in Asian cinema for a while after this crap. I don't know why America is trying to mix the impossible lately. Suddenly the cinemas are full of sci-fi westerns and war fantasy action flicks. I'm turned off by the red monster that disrupted the rather excellent retro atmosphere (kudos to Hayley Atwell's make up). The tiny and determined kid becomes a super-powered idol rolling out one badass line after another. But was the invincible and mostly cheesy shield really necessary? 2.5 stars. ()


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English He was the last one to the table, but when things get worse, you can be sure he'll be standing in the front lines. Steve Rogers stayed somewhat on the sidelines throughout the Avengers journey, but in the end, to my great surprise, he ends up being the one who got under my skin the most. His loyalty, bravery, and naivety in the most positive sense, combined with his style of fighting, are simply unrivaled. When the dark Red Skull or the self-sufficient Agent Carter join the party, there is nothing left to do but applaud. Marvel won this war, and I gained a hero I had thus far only seen on T-shirts for almost a decade since his origin story. ()


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English I’ve been a big fan of this project from the very start, so you can always take one star off, if you like, but just I can’t help myself. The Cap’n is exactly how I wanted him to be. Maybe it’s a little short, on the other hand it doesn’t lose any tempo anywhere. The intro with the puny young Steve is just great. Watching his futile attempts at joining the army and the training is even more entertaining that the elimination of Schmidt’s bases (the fantastic Hugo Weaving) thanks to the balanced doses of humor and selfless courage. Chris Evans did an excellent job with his portrayal of Rogers. Thanks to him, Captain America shakes off the image of parroting clown and turns into a convincing hero. But Peggy Hayley Atwell is equally important. Thanks to her, the romantic storyline is the strongest element of the movie. Neither the action, nor inventions, nor the demonic psychopath with the red face, but the sad ending dialog is what will get to you. I had a date. The lead-up to the Avengers is very obvious in this movie and it basically touches on all of the other worlds we have seen so far. Fundamental to this is the microworld of Thor and Iron Man, the Hulk is a side-effect from development of the serum. This excellent lead-up is topped off by the post-credits scene/trailer. ()

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