The Rundown

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Looking to retire and open a restaurant, a bounty hunter gets roped into one final assignment: fetching his boss's errant son from the Amazon jungle. (Netflix)

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Reviews (5)


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English The Rock is good. I didn't he’d have much of a chance after The Mummy Returns and The Scorpion King, but here he proves he's pretty damn cool. He's natural, doesn't overact and he's got more acting talent than Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Van Damme et al combined. The Rundown is an unpretentious breather, filmed according to templates seen countless times, but some of the action scenes are just great. The Rock as the tough guy who always keeps the deal and hates firearms complements well with Scott and there’s no threat of boredom. The simple script can be forgiven, this film has no higher ambitions than to comfortably fill 100 minutes. ()


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English The cinematography, editing, sound are all top notch. Otherwise, it's a first-rate bollocks, but it looks innocent and if you wave your hand over it, sometimes you even laugh. ()



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English This film was apparently made in the 1980s and found its way to the present day thanks to some weird time machine. And that’s good. ()


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English Mediocre in terms of directing, (sub)mediocre in terms of story and, additionally, in terms of action, how else but mediocre. The editing is appalling, completely random and actively irritating. The only thing that makes it at all watchable is “The Rock" and very few funny moments. If they had only stepped on the gas and shortened the running time, it could have been a solid attempt at an updated variation on Romancing the Stone. Unfortunately they didn’t and the result is uninspiring and, guess what word comes next, that’s right, mediocre. ()


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English A fairly brisk beginning and ending – but in between it is just boring, without a single proper acting performance, where even the eternal charmer Sean William Scott loses his basic bantering pace. A few action gimmicks are not enough for me to appreciate this unbalanced B-movie. ()

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