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Favorite movies (10)

The Raid 2

The Raid 2 (2014)

A modern gem of Asian cinema. The Raid 2 is unquestionably the best, biggest and most brutal martial arts and action flick under the sun. Iko Uwais resembles a young Jet Li and he is becoming the martial art star of our time at least for me. Gareth Evans is the most skilled action director on the planet, the guy is a genius, he has impeccable visuals, the most realistic action scenes ever shot on film and perfect camera work. The violence and brutality in the film clearly make a mockery of all PG-13 action films, and the $4.5 million budget makes an even bigger mockery of all big budget Hollywood blockbusters. But the highlights were the flurry of action sequences from the muddy prison (uncontrollable mayhem), a fantastic car chase that will be talked about for a long time, a superb twin action scene where the level of brutality can only be rivaled by horror movies, and a final fight that will take your breath away from the intensity and insanity. Watching will make you swear and scream like at the hockey world championship, sweat and get exhausted like during a 20 kilometre marathon, and most importantly, watch with your mouth open at something you've never seen before in your life. I've never had such an experience, I feel like watching the film over and over again. Awesome! 10/5

Kingsman: The Secret Service

Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)

I knew from the first minute that this film was going to be a five-star affair, but I had no idea that after watching it, it would become an instant favourite and the best film ever made, on par with The Dark Knight and The Raid 2. A brilliant, precise and high quality film in every aspect, yes every single cinematic part here is pedaling at 150%. The highlights: attractive and original visuals, an excellent idea, authentic and original cinematography that draws the viewer into the story, perfect acting (Colin Firth, Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Hamil and that irresistible evil babe with very sharp high heels), polished dialogues that are witty, blackly humorous, intelligent with lots of interesting wisdom, lessons and moral principles, and, above all, absolutely TOP NOTCH classy action that is breathtaking, ass-clenching, heart-jumping and erection-inducing! I must also praise the very well chosen soundtrack for every single scene, the amazing gradual build-up of tension, the literally heart attack inducing moments (the countdown to the end of humanity, the parachute jump, the perfect training), and most of all the originality. The film is bursting with one idea after another; it’s unbelievable that in this day and age someone can make a film where every scene, every invention, every single action set-piece is brand new, original, distinctive... and for horror buffs, there's plenty of blood and violence. I must urge all my friends to go to the cinema. Unless you are a curmudgeon, a nerd, a rabble, a universally hated entity and a village scum you will be as satisfied as I am. There hasn't been a more entertaining movie in years. Seen twice already and soon for the third time. 1000%!!!

Mad Max: Fury Road

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

After cardiac resuscitation I am back and can write my feelings. Mad Max: Fury Road is frantic and adrenaline-fueled to the point where all other movies seem old-fashioned and incredibly slow. Intensity, insanity, extravagant ideas, filthiness, and breakneck pace are superlatives that clearly describe this film. There was absolutely no need for a more complex story here, the film has plenty to surprise you, it evokes emotion and hatred, you can't breathe during the action scenes and only wipe your brow during minor moments of calm, take a sip of Coke and before you know it you're back in suspense, stressed and dodging great 3D effects. There hasn't been a better post-apocalyptic road movie in years (I'm deliberately not mentioning the action genre because The Raid 2 is the best). 98% without a doubt. 2% off, because I was hoping that the film would be much more of a butchery as promised, but it didn't happen.

Green Book

Green Book (2018)

If someone had told me at the beginning of the year that the best film would be a road movie drama with Oscar ambitions, I would have laughed them off, but hats off to them, this is a cinematic gem next to which Forrest Gump and The Shawshank Redemption look like B-movies. Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali deliver superhuman performances and their chemistry is flawless. The film pulls up a lot with tasteful and apt humour, the mafia undertones and the strong racism of the time. There are tense scenes and, most importantly, emotions, where I found myself crying for maybe two whole hours at a stretch and that never happened in my life. After watching it, I immediately got the feeling that I had to see the film again with everyone close to me and that doesn't happen often. The event of the year and for me possibly the best drama ever. 100%.

Toc Toc

Toc Toc (2017)

Wow! I applaud, bow and salute. Toc Toc is without a doubt the best comedy of the year and quite possibly of the last few years. It has an absolutely brilliant and original idea where six random characters meet in a doctor's waiting room, each suffering from a different OCD disorder. The whole movie takes place in one location, but when you have six interesting characters and every single one is interesting and funny, the laughing fits are continuous. I laughed every moment of the entire 90 minutes in good taste without breaks and I don't think that has ever happened with any comedy (maybe the legendary Shut Up!). At times I felt like I was at a theatrical performance, but it really is an experience. Well acted with intelligent and apt humour, Oscar-worthy performances and an interesting twist. I had similar enthusiasm for the Italian Perfect Strangers. Tourette's Syndrome, germophobia, phobia of lines and symmetry, Diogenes Syndrome and astronomical mathematical calculations, pan-verification syndrome, and constant word and sentence repetition syndrome. This group of people really came together nicely. I want a sequel, prequel and spin off immediately and I'll pay for it. Maximum recommendation to all my friends! Story****, Action>No, Humor*****, Violence>No, Entertainment*****, Music****, Visuals****, Atmosphere****, Suspense***. 10/10.


Nobody (2021)

Give me the goddamn kitty cat bracelet, motherfucker!” This magnificent action masterpiece that flips the finger to all the trashy action movies and hated entities that will suffer and sigh about how little dramatic, emotional, and philosophical its. I suffered through those boring artsy dramas for over a year, so fucking finally it's my turn for satisfaction, and I've reached more peaks than a horny nymphomaniac. Nobody takes the best from Taken, The Equalizer, and John Wick, and even though it borrows a few ideas, it upgrades, evolves and transforms them to a much bigger and more intense level, and it's an absolute gem in every way. Bob Odenkirk, at 58 years old, as a family man, shows that he has bigger balls than the entire Russian mafia. He trained intensely for two years, learned martial arts, worked like crazy for the role of an action hero, and you can fucking see it. He's a splendid and charismatic badass hero with a mysterious past that demands respect and nobody wants anything to do with him. He delivers great lines, is very convincing in action, very resourceful, intelligent, and you can see that he's still just a human, so he gets his ass kicked as well, he feels fatigue, vulnerability, and exhaustion. A precise technical aspect, a perfectly fitting soundtrack, honest old-school craftsmanship with well-utilized R-rated action, lots of great and funny ideas, the insertion of exaggeration into action scenes works absolutely perfectly, and there are several moments that I feel like replaying immediately. The grandpa is excellent, and his messing around with a pistol and a shotgun is awesome. The fight on the bus is properly tough and uncompromising, the shootout in the house is atmospherically intense, and the finale in the warehouse literally shatters your balls – I purred with pleasure like I haven't in a long time. (Putting the sniper rifle on the shoulder, firing and instantly knocking out the other guy with the recoil just blew me away). I also liked the Russian villain, and the action and the story itself are definitely above standard. If an action fan doesn't appreciate Nobody, they might as well commit seppuku or find another hobby. American cinema won't make a better action movie. After watching, of course, sweaty like Usain Bolt running the 100 meters, and that's how I like it! I hope for a sequel already in theaters and preferably with Naishuller collaborating with Evans and Stahelski. 10/10.

The Suicide Squad

The Suicide Squad (2021)

Yum yum! The best movie in five years! And a wonderful revenge by James Gunn's revenge for getting fired from Marvel, which he a raises middle finger and serves up a gritty comic book style The Boys and it's AWESOME!! It satisfied all my twisted, wild, sick, unhinged dreams! I have to admit that the trailers didn't really grab me and I went into the cinema cautiously, but from the opening minutes Gunn won me over and pulled off one excellent scene after another that had me literally melting in my seat. The central five of Harley Quinn, Price, Elba, Kinnaman and Shark shine the brightest, they steal the whole show for themselves, but the rest don't lag behind and everyone gets plenty of space. The music is great, banging in the action scenes, the gore is amazing, and I'll say it three more times: gore, gore and more gore, because the movie world has never seen such carnage! Army of the Dead is so humiliated this year. The wisecracks are good too, the banter between Elba and Cena amused me the most. There is plenty of action (the finale is maybe an hour long, bugger me!), and surprisingly the dramatic and emotional moments have the right punch and timing. The body-count is also surprising, it's unreal and I really liked the different signs pieced together from the surroundings. It's a really playful and original film. The whole thing has a breakneck pace and a likeable story, and is properly kinky and slightly perverted, so weaker characters might have some complaints – I was, however, as high as I've been in a long time. This hit my taste perfectly, and anyone who gives it two stars or less is uncompromisingly my enemy number 1! (Jacques Mesrine!) Story 4/5, Action 5/5, Humour 5/5, Violence 10/5, Fun 10/5 Music 5/5, Visuals 5/5, Atmosphere 5/5, Suspense 4/5. 10/10.


Superwho? (2022)

For me, an instant favourite that flies into the TOP 10 movies of all time. I've seen the film twice in the cinema already, but I'm still excited that I don't know how to properly express my feelings. The director, Philippe Lacheau, is a guy I've been following for eight years now and you can say he's my idol too, he's fulfilling my dream and making movies with his best friends and they are smart, bold, funny, original, but most of all with heart (I think Phillipe is a movie nut like me and I respect him for what he's doing for the movie world and for France). Superwho? is arguably their Avengers film and the best film of the bunch (the rest are also borderline 8-9/10 though) – by the way, great timing releasing this film at the time of the new Batman. The main character is a not very successful actor who accidentally comes to star in the new Badman movie. He has a car accident and wakes up with lost memory in a batmobile, a batsuit and a bag full of money, all indicating that he is a real superhero. The premise is presented in a very clever and entertaining way, and Phillipe has incredible timing throughout the film. It's packed with jokes from the first minute to the end (downright roaring and crying, I stress!), there are countless easter eggs and references (maybe even more than in Ready Player One). You can see the director has really studied movies, and there are not only references to Marvel and DC, but also to other movies (The Intouchables 2 Lol). There are also a lot of politically incorrect references to other things (illegal immigrants, burned-down Rotterdam and Alec Baldwin, and the prop gun), it got me. Of course the action works too (the Batman vs Joker knife fight is excellent). The cinematography is great, with playful slow motion, it has a European feel and swing and elegance. As if that weren't enough, the emotions and dramatic moments work as well (the scene with the father is really great), and of course there is also great music (as soon as the Marvel theme song started playing, I had tears in my eyes), but the main themes eof Guardians of the Galaxy and KickAss are good, too (not to mention Survivor from Tomb Raider!). And yes it's also packed with intelligent and surprising twists. It's unbelievable how someone can cram all the film's ingredients into 90 minutes and present them in such a fresh, clever and compelling way. By the end of the screening I was shaking and crying with happiness and emotion that I had seen a movie with a capital M. I can't have a single complaint about it, but I do believe that for some viewers the humor will be a little too over the line at times (it's unexpectedly morbid and WTF at times, but I welcomed it warmly). I'll be watching this about five times a year. There are so many hidden things, details and little things in this movie that everyone will notice something different and on repeat viewings and feel they are watching it for the first time, which is great! Excellence. Story 5/5, Action 4/5, Humour 5/5, Violence 2/5, Fun 5/5 Music 5/5, Visuals 5/5, Atmosphere 4/5, Suspense 4/5, Emotion 4/5, Actors 5/5. 10/10

Dune: Part Two

Dune: Part Two (2024)

A wonderfully hypnotic and transcendent grandiose work of epic proportions that finally satisfied me to the fullest. To be honest I was very skeptical, because I didn’t like the first part very much; it was extremely slow for my taste, slightly uninteresting, it lacked any memorable wow scene (there are several here), that would make me want to watch the movie again sometime, and the action scenes were a real bummer (especially the shields, which looked like cheesy CGI effects from SyFy, really bad in contrast to the world, which looks visually stunning). Thankfully, Denis Villeneuve himself realized this and the shields are kept to a minimum, almost non-existent. The second episode had me glued to my seat right from the start, it's simply more rewarding to watch and it deals with more interesting things. I did enjoy all the customs and traditions of the Fremen (there is a lot of inspiration from the Arab world here: names, costumes, religion, but I really liked that here). Audiovisually, it's flawless, the Greig Fraser/Hans Zimmer connection is very effective, all the huge monuments, machines, worms are hypnotically captivating, and the music is wonderfully ear-splitting and chill-inducing. The Harkonnens are also perfect, their world and traditions are nicely dark and twisted, and the entrance of Austin Butler is brilliant (though he doesn't appear until halfway through the film and doesn't get as much space). Timothée Chalamet's transformation into the leader is believable and (every speech where he roars is great), the chemistry with Zendaya works too – especially at the end it had a strong emotional impact on me and the final epic battle could have been longer but was satisfying. (maybe they hired a new choreographer, because the fights are much better, though I wish it was R-rated). I'm glad I finally lost myself in Dune, albeit for the second time, but even that counts. I enjoyed every minute of it in the cinema, and the last time was with Poor Things, which is a different genre. I'm really looking forward to the third installment, with the addition of my favourite Anya Taylor Joy (a cast of the most talented young actors together!!).