Red Dwarf

UK, (1988–2020), 36 h 11 min (Length: 25–90 min)


Rob Grant, Doug Naylor


Ed Moore, Ian Adrian


Howard Goodall


Chris Barrie, Craig Charles, Danny John-Jules, Norman Lovett, Robert Llewellyn, Robert Bathurst, Mac McDonald, Mark Williams, Clare Grogan, Hattie Hayridge (more)
(more professions)

Seasons(13) / Episodes(74)


Chicken soup machine repairman and intergalactic loser Dave Lister awakes from suspended animation to discover he is the lone survivor of a radiation leak and is now three million years into deep space and the last surviving member of the human race. Dave is soon joined by a hologram of his dead bunkmate, a life-form who's evolved from his pet cat, and a neurotic sanitation mechanoid. Together this unlikely bunch of heroes attempt to find their way back to Earth, under the guidance of Holly, the ship's senile computer, encountering a whole heap of smeg on the way. (official distributor synopsis)


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Reviews (6)


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English That's how you make an iconic show... Humor on the edge between pubescent fun and intellectual innuendo, characters like from a bad trip and a story that has no regard for the sci-fi genre. The Lister-Rimmer duo sparkles like a grinder, Cat adds flair and a dance pace to everything... and Kryten? He's cleaning Rimmer's underwear. Those who haven't seen this have missed out on the pinnacle of humorous series creation... And it ended with the best... How many good shows have done that? ()


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English For a long time, I took this motley group as a safe bet until I finally realized what a gem it is. With each passing year since its creation and with each viewing, Red Dwarf has matured into a cult classic. Both in its understated beginnings and in the almost Dadaistic finish of the classic seasons, as well as in the late adventures of the deserving gentlemen of the crew. And we have long known that Arnold Rimmer is the biggest badass and idiot at the same time. ()



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English A cult movie that is impossible to forget. Perhaps with the exception of the last season, each episode in this series is incredibly balanced and contains humor with a capital H. All of the dialogs and cool lines are incredibly chiseled to the finest detail. Just like the characters. Particularly the crew of the Dwarf is indescribably... well, it’s really hard to say in words. But when I’m feeling down, all I have to do is play an episode of this and I’m on cloud nine. ()


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English For this legendary British sitcom, we have two talented screenwriters, Rob Grant and Doug Naylor, to thank. Shortly after the first season aired, they began publishing the stories of the Red Dwarf crew in book form. The second of the two, in particular, gave the show with its wit, bon mots, and sarcastic remarks. However, television viewers will primarily appreciate the characters they know from the screen. All of the actors have become respected television stars, and Red Dwarf is considered the most successful BBC export. The individual members of the crew represent perfect opposites who must get along in a small, enclosed space, resulting in an infinite number of conflicts. The creators of the show are very knowledgeable about contemporary fantasy and science fiction literature, and the show can be seen as a humorous guide to the genre, featuring popular themes and props from science fiction literature and film. Fans can spot references to S. King or R. Bradbury, among others. The show has become a cult classic, and it is a shame that its production did not continue. Until the last episode of the final season, it maintained an exceptionally high standard. It is one of the two shows that I rate 100%. ()


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English Two stars after the first season, and I don’t know if I want to keep on watching. Insufferable characters, awfully unfunny gags that more often than not cross the boundaries of cringe… I simply don’t understand the cult status of Red Dwarf. (The only thing I really like is the opening theme song.) ()

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