Wonder Woman 1984

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USA, 2020, 151 min (Alternative: 145 min)

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English If it’s going to be 1984, then with everything that comes along with it, was probably said by Patty Jenkins et al., and the second Wonder Woman was written and filmed exactly as it would have looked 37 years ago. That is, with a fairy-tale plot, in which there is also the threat of the Cold War and the victory of the most important human values, with the main (semi) divine protagonist, who distributes smiles in all directions, eliminates villains without killing (do not expect the sword and shield, Diana's only weapon is a lasso) and she is tormented by unhappy love, with a super-exaggerated and amusing villain whose plan evokes a smile, and with only a few action scenes. But we don't have to wait long for them, as some people complain, because what's between them is entertainment. I really like this concept. Gal Gadot clearly enjoys her relaxed position, absolutely great is Pedro Pascal, who plays Max Lord in exactly the same way Gene Hackman played Lex Luthor, Chris Pine has comedic talent and is still amazed by everything, and hats off to Kristen Wiig, whose Barbara, on the other hand, was obviously inspired by Selina/Catwoman, played by Michelle Pfeiffer, and who gradually transforms without any effects, only thanks to her acting and increasingly animalistic costumes. In the end, I have to do something I haven't done in a long time, and that is to praise the music of Hans Zimmer, who mixes a Williams orchestra full of jubilant Superman fanfares with Morricone romance, period synths and his typical drone (and the Lion King). ()


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English Maybe if some day I watch the original Superman movies and the naive and colourful comic-book flicks from the 80s and 90s, I will be able to appreciate this one as beautifully nostalgic and intentionally campy trash, but right now, other than the massive naivete and the contrived retro atmosphere, I don’t see anything special that would leave me flabbergasted in the good sense of the word; maybe only the celebrated parting of the love-birds, which some day may be seen as the most bizarre farewell of this mad 2020. Otherwise, I wonder how long Gal Gadot can keep on compensating her lack of acting talent with her inimitable beauty – in roles like this, it will still take some time. 50% ()



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English I was looking forward to a bold, purely female comic book movie with a strong heroine, fearless in her emancipation from the pernicious Justice League. But I was seriously disappointed. I don’t mind so much the weird way they keep hitting each other, or how naively (= eighties style) Wonder Woman is approached; it’s the message that bothers me. It’s been a long time since I saw such a dumb, illogical story offending women, men, children and human intelligence in general. The lesson is literally terrifying - dreams are bad, make good with what you already have - and seriously modern. Gal Gadot still looks fabulous and Pine strangely enjoys being in his role. Wiig isn’t comfortable in her role in any position and, after his praise-worthy performance in The Mandalorian, poor old Pedro Pascal really hits bottom in his role of megalomaniacal loser who (doesn’t) want to be with his son. And it looks like Star Wars: Rogue Squadron is way up shit creek, lacking the proverbial paddle in the hands of Patty Jenkins. P.S. The explanation of Linda Carter’s tiny cameo is really annoying. Now the Yanks have their very own Carry On Doctor. ()


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English I was expecting worse based on the tragic reviews, but it's not that bad. The best part is at the very beginning, with the Olympic tournament of the Amazons, and it is captivating. Then the pace slows down significantly, and there is surprisingly little action for a comic book film, and even when it happens, it's not very impressive. But I enjoyed the idea of granting wishes, it kept me from getting bored, though Pedro Pascal failed to impress me with his acting for the first time. Had I seen it at the cinema, I would have left disappointed, but I watched it at home and it turned out to be okay. Story***, Action***, Humor**, Violence>No, Entertainment***, Music*****, Visual****, Atmosphere***, Tension***. 5.5/10. ()


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English Wonder Woman 84 is a generational film, it's not simplified, and it's not straightforward. Certain ideas or the performances of individuals may occasionally stutter, but as a whole, it's a distinctive experience. The situation in comics in 1984 was very complicated, the entire DC Universe was due for a major reboot. Having been born in 1971, director Patty Jenkins is very nostalgic about the era, forgetting that superhero comics were not nearly the global phenomenon they are today, making her film less accessible to certain potential markets. The same is true for the general realities of this decade, from which WW84 picks only a certain part. It's not as clear-cut as the first Wonder Woman, which was set in a clear escalating conflict. The second film lacks the comparatively breathtaking climax that was Wonder Woman's triumph in No Man's Land. It took a very long time for classic superheroes to be domesticated in the comics even in the post-war world, and for the newly introduced heroes in the movies, the same path has to be followed, and while it may be different, that doesn't mean it will be any less rough. It's irrelevant that the film Wonder Woman first fought in the trenches of World War I, though in the comic books Wonder Woman wasn't born until the fight against Nazism. Never mind that the film sequel fetishizes an era irrelevant to the comic book Wonder Woman, rewriting her story to best illustrate today's view of her role in society while dealing with the trauma of Americans today. Importantly, this icon of the 20th century, the essence of femininity in all its forms, continues to inspire. Because that is her main message. At heart, Diana of Themyscira is not an ordinary kid from Kansas or a millionaire orphan, Diana is an ambassador of peace in a world of people whether in costume or in plain clothes. The year of repeated postponement of the premiere was very difficult - I was looking forward to the sequel and the eventual film surprised me a lot. I'll be happy if there's a third film. I'd definitely go watch it again in the IMAX, preferably both films. ()

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