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For LA teenagers, Rebecca, Nicki, Sam, Chloe and Marc it's just not enough to admire their favourite celebrities and all that they have. Obsessed with fashion, fame and the glamorous life of their heroes, the group wants to get their hands on their idols' stuff. Tracking their favourite celebrities online - Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan and Orlando Bloom - the teens break into each of their homes and steal their designer clothes and possessions. It's a dream come true and a thrill ride for the group - especially when they become famous for their outrageous crime spree. (Roadshow Entertainment)


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English You can't deny Sofia Coppola's polished style, because all the dynamic "party" cuts are simply awesome. The whole narrative also works great as a one-sided account of America's golden youth, who are irrationally fascinated by the lives of Hollywood stars and are not reluctant to cross virtually any boundaries. The first "party hour" is well-paced and quite suspenseful at some points. The problem I had was with the last act, when I didn't really care much about how the individual characters would end up. It was too short for any deeper character exploration, on the other hand I'm not entirely sure I would have enjoyed it anyway at two hours or more. It's fine for one viewing, though. ()


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English It is not a bad movie, it has some idea, message, mission. But does anyone outside the USA really need to see this film? Do we want to see a movie on this topic, or perhaps a real event? Out of curiosity, maybe yes, but then maybe I stop and say to myself, I could have chosen differently in the flood of movies I haven't seen yet and are waiting for me. I value the music and performance of Emmy Watson positively. ()



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English Sofia Coppola made her own Clip. But while the Serbian youth are dealing with their hormones through over-sexualized entertainment, Serbian pop, Facebook, and leaving the path to interpersonal relationships pretty much upside down, the American youth are "only" consumed by celebrity. They also party and share photos on Facebook, but their love is mostly platonic and the excitement is without self-abasement and the drugs are somehow less of an issue. What they are enjoying like a trip are fashion brands and breaking into the homes of celebrities who have such brands to spare. So why not make it a little easier for them, right? It all maps quite nicely the inverted values and humiliation of stars into rebellious celebrities who brainwash the youth. And as a bonus, there's a cameo by Sophie's muse Kirsten Dunst. ()


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English A film based on an article, directed and written by Sofia Coppola. I was a little afraid because the famous daughter of a famous director legend has been losing a bit lately, but personally, this movie made an impression on me. The camera is interesting, sometimes even too innovative, telling us a story about how cool it is to be in a celebrity's house and steal a little. The film excellently shows how we are all scoundrels, at any age. Friendship? What the hell is that?! Emma Watson is well on her way to an interesting career. ()


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English If it didn’t have "Directed by Sofia Coppola" in its credits, no one would have given this insipid docu-drama a second thought. The most bizarre aspect of The Bling Ring is its indecisiveness and lack of concept. The film obviously wants to be a major cautionary tale about the twisted values of the young, but it paradoxically gives the objects of its criticism exactly what they want – what could jaded, celebrity-idolising kids want more than a movie in which celebrities actually appear and, what’s more, they get played by Emma Watson? ()

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