The Hidden Face

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A Spanish orchestra conductor deals with the mysterious disappearance of his girlfriend. (official distributor synopsis)

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Trailer 2

Reviews (9)


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English This film does not even have a Czech translation as of today, therefore it didn’t go into Czech distribution, and yet it was rated by more than 4,000 users at this site. That in itself means something. At least the fact that it is probably quite a hot topic in my country. Well, no wonder.This Spanish-Colombian film is such a successful thriller that no one would expect it at all. And what’s even better is that it actually strikes immediately without warning. There aren’t that many good thrillers to choose from, and here, every twenty minutes or so the story goes through a significant twist, which is only to its benefit. I enjoyed its story as much as I haven’t in any other film in a while. And I’m sure I’m not the only one. Czech distribution made a grievous mistake in this case. ()


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English An adaptation of no fewer than three proverbs at once: there is a price for stupidity, opportunity makes the thief and to say the third would be too big a spoiler. Excellent work with the soundtrack and a playful approach to genre clichés which loses a bit of its impressiveness by the fact that the authors show their cards a little too early. The consequence of which is that the twists in the final third of the movie are readable long before they come. On the other hand they also represent the only logical result of the way the excellently illustrated (and extremely repulsive) characters behave all the time, so it isn’t a big problem, just that it unnecessarily loses its sting. ()



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English The trailer attracted me. But it’s a pity that it attracted me with something that the film doesn’t reveal until the middle as the “main surprise”, so my impression is distorted because I didn’t watch it the way I should. Regardless, The Hidden Face was fun and I’m really satisfied. Nicely put together. ()


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English A Spanish low-budget flick that superbly combines horror atmosphere, survival, love story and relationship drama. It mixes everything just right, with a great twist in the middle, solid direction, and excellent performances from what are actually completely unknown but well-cast actors. One of those films made on a shoestring that has an idea, tension and delivers more entertainment than many a blockbuster with automatic high expectations. ()


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English Now that was a real blast. Even though the movie initially appears to be something that won't really captivate you, with a romance that works but isn't exceptional, suddenly there's a turning point you just didn't expect. It is very well scripted, but equally well directed. The camera work is very well done, enhancing the overall experience. ()

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