Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

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Leaving his native Kazakhstan, Borat travels to America to make a documentary. As he zigzags across the nation, Borat meets real people in real situations with hysterical consequences. His backwards behavior generates strong reactions around him exposing prejudices and hypocrisies in American culture. (official distributor synopsis)

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Reviews (11)


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English Sacha Baron Cohen is truly an incredible comedian, that’s undeniable. Borat, with its original long title, manages to captivate audiences from various backgrounds. It doesn’t bother with political correctness and tackles social issues that many consider taboo. This is what sets Borat apart from other comedic films. I was particularly amused by the fact that most people featured in the film had no idea what was happening, so their reactions to the eccentric Kazakh character seemed so genuine and authentic (for example, the scene with the hotel receptionist). It’s said that the FBI was looking for him because they received reports across the U.S. about a strange man driving around in an ice cream truck :D. The situational comedy is quite impressive, with some scenes being uncomfortably explicit and grotesque (like the bed fight between two naked men). I still need to decide whether to rate the film higher; I need to sort out my thoughts to determine if it’s a genuinely well-executed comedy or a true masterpiece in every sense. For now, I give it 80%. ()


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English I stubbornly resisted Borat for a long time because I inexplicably suggested to myself that Americans shoot at Kazakhs and I definitely don't need to see that. After watching the first episode, I realized that Cohen makes fun of everyone and doesn't hesitate to target anyone, anything, nothing is sacred to him. A funny satire in a semi-documentary form about the decay of the USA. All the time I was wondering if Pamela will at least appear in front of the camera at the end... ()



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English I wisely avoided Borat during its premiere because, based on the initial reactions, I clearly identified that this style of humor would not be my cup of tea. However, when it was served to me on a silver platter on TV, I couldn't resist confronting my feelings with the enthusiastic reviews of some viewers. My intuition did not let me down, so even though I sympathize with Cohen's goals, his humor is overall indigestible to me. It's fine that he takes shots at political correctness, hypocrisy, sanctimoniousness, uncritical religious faith, various forms of dogmatism, and human stupidity in general. However, he lacks (and at times desperately so) a sense of moderation, elegance, and nobility. Cohen is exactly the type of comedian who won't hesitate to stick his head in a bucket of feces for the sake of audience response, and he somehow reminds me of the clown Krusty from the popular TV show The Simpsons. I suspect that political correctness means absolutely nothing to Cohen, as he doesn't want to criticize anything or fight for anything, and he simply wants to sell his one-man show as best as possible. At times, he succeeds in doing just that; I definitely can't deny his sense of irony and ability to escalate a certain joke. I also definitely laughed more than is customary for contemporary comedies. However, there were certainly more moments where I cringed at the concentrated awkwardness. I'll skip the exaggerated exclamations like "Best comedy of the year!" because everyone, myself included, has the right to their own indulgences. Overall impression: 40%. ()


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English Years ago, this movie got to me and still gets me and still evokes the same feelings. There are scenes here that you don't even want to watch because it's almost scary that Sacha Baron Cohen went to the trouble to do them. On the other hand, it brilliantly showcases how people pretend or, conversely, how they act when they don't have to pretend. This is how the trip to America paid off. ()


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English Fully appreciated after a second screening. This film is not what it appears to be at first sight. A witty mockery of petty bourgeoisie, the fanatical religiosity of the American Midwest and the stupid anti-Semitism of a significant part of the population, all with a broader scope (it doesn't matter if it's the USA or a small country in the middle of Europe, people are basically the same everywhere, except for small nuances). My colleague Cooper and I laughed like madmen, a cleansing laugh, knowing that what we see on the screen is inherently ridiculous, but beneath its veneer is a deliberately targeted satire. "Disgusting, filthy and perverse" can only seem to people unable to read between the lines. ()

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