
Another feature film FROM one of the most celebrated directors in the Czech film industry, Věra Chytilová. This time she's chosen a sarcastic tragicomic morality tale based on actual events. The film investigates the justice of taking the law INTO one's own hands. After being raped by two men, veterinarian Lenka vows revenge: she plans on castrating the pair. (official distributor synopsis)


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English This throbbing of male chauvinism and female deceit could have easily ended after Vávra’s hearty breakfast, as everything that followed lacked any clear direction. Some of Stivínová’s post-traumatic states and Donutil’s portrayal, like a mashup of characters from his stories, got me thinking how the whole thing would look if it stayed strictly in the dramatic realm without all the caricatured antics. By the way, considering the frequent references to male reproductive glands, it’s probably no surprise that Levinson’s Sphere was made the same year. ()


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English Not a comedy, not a drama, not a morality play – just an incomprehensible attempt that doesn't know what it wants to say. ()



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English Quite insane, but watchable and entertaining mainly thanks to Miroslav Donutil's performance. Had any another actor been in his place, the funny scenes and gags would not have been nearly as hilarious and the whole film would have fallen even lower. 60% ()


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English I took my time before watching this film, but I definitely don't regret waiting so long. It’s not worth seeing in my opinion. The plot is good, and the beginning is excellent, but once it delves into societal critique, I feel like the director wanted to say so much that she ended up losing herself in it. Considering that I like Donutil, he has never seemed so annoying to me before. I guess that's because he really doesn't ever act any differently. ()

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