The Day After Tomorrow

  • USA The Day After Tomorrow (more)
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When global warming triggers the onset of a new Ice Age, tornadoes flatten Los Angeles, a tidal wave engulfs New York City and the entire Northern Hemisphere begins to freeze solid. Now, climatologist Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid), his son Sam (Jake Gyllenhaal) and a small band of survivors must ride out the growing superstorm and stay alive in the face of an enemy more powerful and relentless than any they've ever encountered: Mother Nature! (official distributor synopsis)


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Reviews (11)


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English On a second viewing, it's just a little bit better. Roland Emmerich toned it down with pathos, he doesn't always hit the mark, but he can win over the audience. The climate action boasts fantastic visual effects and thrilling action sequences. Unfortunately, there isn't as much of it as in his previous films, and especially the second half can bring a feeling of boredom, mainly due to a weak screenplay and a flood of clichés that unpleasantly stick to the very likeable heroes. ()


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English Emmerich knows his stuff. With compelling visuals, likeable characters, a few tornadoes and a tidal wave, he manages to deliver so much sincere cinematic fun that you can't be mad at how childish it is. As far as entertainment value goes, The Day After Tomorrow isn't bad, everything looks great, it oozes the requisite dose of fatality, and the two hours pass by in a flurry of tried-and-true genre clichés, with Emmerich-esque gems that fly by faster than you can say frost. Compared to that, the story is abysmal. Once again, the heart of it all is the standard epicentre of Hollywood – Manhattan, with the situation elsewhere in the world only vaguely referred to through a newscast –, dumb people running away from huge torrents of water or getting a freezing door slammed in the faces if they're not interesting. If you only want to have fun, you will be able to overlook these "small details", but I have to stick with 3*, if only because I gave four to the much more entertaining and wholesome 2012. 65% ()



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English Roland Emmerich once again shows how great he is at making relaxing films. The Day After Tomorrow is exactly like that. You want to watch it when there's nothing else on TV, and you want to chat while it's on, even though your significant other is engrossed in every scene. Unfortunately, I focused too much on the inconsistencies and was just amazed at the nonsense that Hollywood mainstream feeds us. Sometimes, it's really laughable. But whatever, it's supposed to be entertainment, and I did find myself laughing quite a bit at times. ()


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English The first half of The Day After Tomorrow is pleasing but in no way surprising. We’ve already seen everything in the trailer. And the second half is just boredom stacked on top of boredom. It’s not Roland Emmerich’s dumbest sci-fi movie, but it is his least entertaining. Whereas Stargate and Independence Day were the sincere playthings of an admitted man-child, The Day After Tomorrow is a drama with pretensions of being serious by a mediocre filmmaker trying to do great things. ()


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English Roland Emmerich and his umpteenth variation on disaster/end of the world. The first half is certainly better than the second half, in which not much happens in terms of catastrophic action, but even so, I could probably imagine more from a 2-hour disaster than "just" one flood and one frost. The second half is more or less standing still and finishing the fates of the individual characters, so it doesn't warm up that much, which is a pity. Visually it's an "okay" thing for that time, but nowadays it doesn't stick out much. Acting-wise it's also a good average, but what annoyed me a lot are sometimes extremely illogical bullshit, that takes the viewer for a total idiot (like the frost progression in the last half hour, which went meter by meter and the characters ran away from it lol...). In the end, I was probably expecting a bigger bang considering how the film is being praised and the director's sonorous name, but it was nothing but a weaker average that stumbles on a totally awkward ending that doesn't really explain anything and where all this nature stuff just stops all by itself. ()

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