
The most brilliant mind at America's top university isn't a professor... he's the guy who cleans its floors, Will Hunting (Matt Damon in an Oscar.-nominated role). But Will is also a headstrong, penniless guy failing the lessons of life and love with his wealthy girlfriend (Minnie Driver). Facing a jail sentence after one too many run-ins with the law, Will's fate lies in the hands of his therapist (Robin Williams), who might be the only man able to help him see his true potential. Also starring Ben Affleck, who co-wrote this Oscar winning original screenplay with Damon, Good Will Hunting is the inspiring, emotionally charged film that has everyone talking! (Lionsgate Home Entertainment)


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English The two hunks did a good job writing it, although superficially, and where psychology was not enough, they provided proven phrases like "follow your heart". In the end, however, this drama about the search for the meaning of life also offers quite a moving resolution. What’s more, Van Sant directed it gently, with feeling and plenty of space for excellent actors... Even though Good Will Hunting bubbles like simple lemonade, it is able to amuse and has a decent impact. ()


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English Who wouldn't like this already legendary, beautifully worn-out industrial 90's art piece full of wholesome intellectual depth, enjoyable philosophy, and quality psychological analysis of smart people? The boys grew up and played with the script very skillfully. Although there is a bit of unnecessary brevity (which makes the final catharsis harder to digest) and sometimes emotions are missing, it is still a great thing for the young hope of Hollywood at the time, and it is impossible not to love the "independent movie makers feeling". Nowadays, it's not as cool as it used to be, but in terms of content and message, it has practically not aged at all. ()



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English A psychological/romance delicacy, which caught me off guard at the age of fourteen and I thought about it for a long time and identified with Will. Later, I abandoned the uncritical worship, but I will always admire the idea of two young guys who subscribed to a Hollywood career with their life's work. However, the best thing about this movie remains Robin Williams' tour de force. ()


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English I enjoyed the film a lot more than the first time I saw it. Plus, I had some good laughs watching the scenes with Ben Affleck, whose face was clenched like a person's rectum. It was a good story, you could tell that the creators put effort into it, which means I wasn’t hit by a tsunami of pathos. 4*+ ()

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