The Queen's Gambit

Trailer 2
USA, 2020, 6 h 35 min (Length: 46–68 min)

Directed by:

Scott Frank

Based on:

Walter Tevis (book)


Scott Frank


Steven Meizler


Anya Taylor-Joy, Marielle Heller, Harry Melling, Bill Camp, Thomas Brodie-Sangster, Moses Ingram, Marcin Dorocinski, Isla Johnston, Chloe Pirrie (more)
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In a 1950s orphanage, a young girl reveals an astonishing talent for chess and begins an unlikely journey to stardom while grappling with addiction. (Netflix)

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Reviews (6)


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English I have a thing for retro vibes, so the creators scored points with me from the very beginning. I didn't mind that it wasn't a Cold War spy action game, because I thoroughly enjoyed all the matches taking place on the sixty-four squares, and I was sure I would be a really satisfied viewer. But I just didn’t buy the finale. I was disappointed by the naive depiction of the situation in the USSR. Too bad, five stars would have really suited this series otherwise. ()


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English The Queen’s Gambit-drama-chess, I can’t think of a more repulsive label for a movie or series, and I'm even more surprised and shocked at how great The Queen’s Gambit turned out to be, thanks to the disarming Anya Taylor-Joy, who is already the modern Scream Queen when it comes to horror movies, and now is becoming the Queen of Chess, and hopefully soon the Oscars. This 6-hour series tells a riveting zero to hero story about an ugly duckling from an orphanage who gains a liking for the royal game of chess, discovers that she is extremely talented and decides to make the most of her talents. Anya literally brings one master after another to their knees and I enjoyed it immensely. The tournaments have drive and the different formations, tactics, offense, defense and strategy are filmed as if I were watching a brutal historical battle with the Romans. I wasn't bored for a second, I lived every moment, cried with emotion most of the time and literally didn't even breathe and screamed with excitement in the ending. If someone had told me at the beginning of the year that The Queen’s Gambit would be the event of the year for me and that I would want to watch it again immediately after finishing it, I would have laughed them off. The Queen's Gambit is a wonderful story, with great acting performances, a thoughtful script, amazing music, personal demons (drugs, alcohol) and a beautiful period setting in 1960's USA. Story*****, Action>No, Humor**, Violence*, Entertainment*****, Music*****, Visual*****, Atmosphere*****, Suspense****. 10/10. ()



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English Another fine Netflix series that is remarkably similar to The Crown in its craftsmanship, period feel and focus on a detailed study of a strong female protagonist in a man's world. It's just less expansive and deals almost exclusively with chess instead of politics. And just as The Crown is primarily about the life of a statesperson, The Queen’s Gambit is filmed in such a way that diehard fans of the supporting theme – chess – will find it enjoyable, but more mainstream viewers who need the classic, emotional level of the plot to be entertained will not be bored either. This series has almost everything. Occasionally, the gaudy production design and visual effects are disappointing, but it's no fun to do retro on a limited budget, so it can be overlooked. An awesome “bad guy” in Borg and Anya Taylor-Joy excelling like never before. ()


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English Of course, it's not "quality TV", it's not meta and extra socially conscious, gender subversive, etc., but it is simply brilliantly written, built dramatically and honestly, elegantly shot and excellently cast/ orchestrated. In terms of mainstream ranks, The Crown can currently compete with it, with which it shares a similar lightness and accessibility, but there is nothing trivial about it. It is based on the classic zero to hero scheme, but with such a degree of persuasiveness and thoughtfulness that I completely forgive its predictability. I just went along with Beth like few other heroes lately. ()


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English I remember being a kid, trying out different hobbies, and my parents sent me to chess lessons, hoping I'd be good at something. After two weeks and losing every game—even to the youngest kids there (let's just say this story proves you can be four years old and still beat a 40-year-old), I gave up and decided to play soccer instead. Which, honestly, wasn’t much better, but at least I didn’t have to think as much. Still, I have a deep respect for chess, and whenever I see it pop up somewhere, I get the urge to play, even though I know exactly how it’s going to end. So, when The Queen’s Gambit came out, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Netflix took a risk—a show about a game that isn’t exactly the most cinematic, and a story that isn't based on real events, which a lot of people tend to gravitate towards. So, a difficult game to film and no "true story" hook. Not exactly a guaranteed hit for most audiences. But somehow, they made it work. They cast the incredibly captivating Anya Taylor-Joy, brought in the kid from Love Actually and Dudley from Harry Potter, added a mix of pills, booze, inner demons, and—surprisingly—found a way to make chess matches so tense I forgot to breathe for ten minutes straight. Suddenly, I felt like I had the lung capacity of an Olympic runner. It’s a fantastic achievement. Sure, it could've been two episodes shorter for that fifth star, but I get why it’s riding high at 90%. Netflix once again shook up the industry, proving you can make anything gripping if you approach it the right way. ()

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