
When three civil rights activists go missing deep in Ku Klux Klan territory, the FBI are called in to investigate. Agents Ward (Willem Dafoe) and Anderson (Gene Hackman) are poles apart in their approach, one methodical and by-the-book, the other more cynical with age and willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Facing an uncooperative local police force and a community too afraid to talk, their investigation sparks repercussions as they edge even closer to the truth. (Second Sight)


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English Willem Defoe and Gene Hackman fight against redneck dumbness and prejudices in one of the best films I’ve seen in the last few weeks. It really makes me mad to see a (not only film) character that’s an utter idiot and shows their idiocy ostentatiously and with pride! Every time those rotten guardians of the law said anything, my blood started to boil. I’m giving it five stars for arousing such intense emotions, but even without taking that into account, this is still a great thriller that deserves nothing but praise. ()


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English The film essentially relies only on the interesting period in which it takes place, with the issues of racial segregation, harassment, and oppression of minorities. Alan Parker focuses primarily on the driving force behind this conflict: the Ku Klux Klan and its representatives. Some scenes are impressive, while others are unnecessarily drawn out. If you're expecting Gene Hackman to be his typical tough guy, you will be disappointed. He has a few such scenes, but otherwise, he is more like a witty old bachelor with a lot of sly remarks. The atmosphere of the small town and the fact that something is happening is solid, and fortunately, they didn't completely close the doors to brutality, so there is definitely something to watch, without embellishments or tricks. But it's not really worth watching a second time, the screenplay is simple and uncomfortably straightforward. ()



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English So this was an excellent two-hour film with high-principled Agent Ward and inventive Agent Anderson. As a duo, they would have been able to carry even a film with a weaker script. Even the story was well-written, and the movie didn't feel like it was thirty-five years old. It didn't even feel like it was about the events from the nearly sixty-year-old American South. The lessons to take from this film are still relevant. 4*+ ()


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English Mississippi Burning is not only a high-quality crime drama, but also a political film with a clearly defined opinion, and ultimately, an artistic portrayal of a real case that stirred public opinion in the United States when three activists against racial segregation were murdered. The film is one of Hollywood's most significant contributions to the pressing issue of racism. There are plenty of crime stories, but films with uncompromising political stances are far less common. It is not a typical genre film, but rather an appeal against the influence of the Ku Klux Klan and a critique of social conservatism and Southern values. The film clearly aimed to bring back and reignite strong themes that resonated in American society in the 1960s. From the performances of the involved major actors, I get the impression that Hackman, Dafoe, and McDormand didn't approach their roles as just a regular business transaction, but that they also injected their own convictions into their performances. Overall impression: 95%. ()


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English This was an unexpected surprise for me. I wasn't familiar with this film, but it's a very powerful drama about racism in America where you really realize how intense and vile the intolerance was, and maybe still is. The film has great acting performances, but above all, it is excellently filmed and handled in every aspect. An excellent experience! ()

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