
Michael Winterbottom directs this psychological thriller which centres around a fictionalised account of the real-life murder of Meredith Kercher in 2007 and the subsequent conviction of Amanda Knox. The film follows film-maker Thomas (Daniel Brühl), who is in Siena, Italy, to make a documentary about the murder case. He receives help from American journalist Simone (Kate Beckinsale) and English student Melanie (Cara Delevingne). Along the way Thomas comes to some realisations about his own life but can he get any closer to the truth behind the crime? (Soda Pictures)


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English The premise of the film looked interesting. A filmmaker travels to Italy to collect material on a murder case and then make a film based on it. It's also interesting how the creative problems are described here, showing that the director is often just a puppet being manipulated by others who have a financial stake in the project. However, when you finish watching the movie, you feel like you've seen a completely empty film, where thoughts pile up but you only ponder them without getting any answers. Additionally, you're unsure if it's a film about art or a film about a person. Lots of ideas and you end up with nothing. ()


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English Film challenge in quarantine - favorite actresses, Kate Beckinsale. I remember the controversial criminal case very well. It will forever be shrouded in mystery and we may never know what happened on that tragic night. The subject for an interesting film is definitely excellent. Unfortunately, in this case, I have the impression that the subject was handled more boringly and uninterestingly. And for Kate Beckinsale, I have not chosen a suitable film at all, her character is also terribly boring and uninteresting, including the pseudo-erotic scenes. If she had not appeared in the film, nothing would have happened. So I have to look for positives at least for two stars - when the pandemic ends - I definitely want to visit Siena! Daniel Bruhl is great in all movies, even the bad ones. And that's it... ()


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