
Returning to the genre he helped define, Sir Ridley Scott has crafted the most unforgettable experience of 2012 in Prometheus. After scientists Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and Charlie Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green) discover mysterious cave drawings that point to the origins of mankind, they soon find themselves aboard the spaceship Prometheus, sponsored by Weyland Industries and on a journey to uncover the secrets of humanity. Overseen by the imperious Meredith Vickers (Charlize Theron), looked after by the android David (Michael Fassbender), and backed up by a team of scientists Shaw and Holloway arrive on the isolated moon LV-223 to discover an abandoned alien spaceship and the truth... that not all is as it seems. (20th Century Fox Home Entertainment)


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English I'll be polite, and I'll only say yuck! Prometheus, whether it's the work of the director who started the Alien saga, a very clever online advertising campaign with well-timed videos and interviews, or speculation about its accessibility, promised a lot and managed to get genre fans hyped up to the highest level of expectation. The initial reactions were lukewarm, but I attributed that to unrealistic inflated expectations. So, what can I say about what I saw? It's really hard to describe because you really need to see this film to understand. I honestly can't attribute my disappointment to high expectations, as I was prepared for an imperfect film. However, if you want to enjoy this film, forget about any associations with the original Alien. It is, in fact, a spiritual sibling to Aliens and Predator - with an unbelievably, and I mean unbelievably, stupid script, terrifyingly dumb dialogue, and completely illogical behavior from practically everyone involved. The film is saved by the great visuals - the level of special effects has of course improved fantastically since the late 70s, and Scott had a more than decent budget, which is evident in Prometheus. Because there are very few high-budget sci-fi films made, Prometheus doesn't have much competition. It's a shame that the director settled for such a mess and didn't even try to achieve some sort of compromise because this really isn't a compromise, it's an absolute resignation to the original essence and atmosphere of Alien. You'll find everything here from aliens to mutants to alien babies, grand spaceships, action, and dying, but the result is pathetic. This is a summer blockbuster that doesn't expect any brain activity from its viewers. Noomi Rapace won't become the new Ripley, not so much because she lacks acting potential, but rather due to the incompetence of the character, thanks to the lobotomy performed by the screenwriting team. The previous four Alien films were different in every respect, but each was unique and despite the fluctuations in quality and certain logical lapses, none of them disappointed me. Prometheus is a disaster, mainly due to its terrifying inconsistency, with dozens of motifs that the screenwriters slapped together strangely. Overall impression: 25% for the stunning visuals and quality marketing. I have some things to add a week later in response to the ongoing Prometheus discussion and numerous comments... I have to admit that when I visit the movie theater in the summer months, I always come a little late, to skip the advertising bombardment of the blockbusters that are being mass-promoted at that time. They are so stupid that even the trailers make me feel depressed. Before watching Prometheus, I was forced to watch the American president jumping around like a monkey and killing bloodthirsty vampires left and right. Immediately after, a mutated piranha tried to attack me from the sink drain, and I eagerly awaited something that made sense. Ridley Scott never made great art, and his early films, like Alien or Blade Runner, didn't have the same intention as Tarkovsky's Stalker or Solaris. However, he had one huge merit - he showed that genre films (specifically sci-fi, but you can project it onto any genre) can be entertaining and at the same time smart, and can appeal to the widest masses of audiences. Scott started from scratch, but he turned it into a masterpiece. Several decades later, he humbly returned to that scratch, because he made a really stupid film. When I look at the Alien saga in retrospect, the best film is definitely the second one, although Cameron's militaristic drama is not as close to my spirit as the atmospheric first one. Aliens has a quality script, attractive characters, a dynamic plot, and capable actors. Compare the last soldier designated for extermination in the first action scene with the losers presented to us by Prometheus as crew members. In the first case, even the minor characters have developed personalities, while in the second case, you hardly learn anything about the main characters. Right after Aliens, I rank Scott's original film Alien, which has been slightly affected by time in terms of the special effects and the development of the genre, but thanks to its visuals, cast, and atmosphere, it is still deservedly a legendary work. Alien 3 was marked by a lack of funds, which resulted in less grandeur and the choice of a script set in an unattractive prison environment, but let's admit it openly, the fans' disapproval was also caused by moves that led to the loss of beloved characters from the previous installment and the death of the main heroine. Otherwise, it is still a clever and very well-directed film, which is a gem in its genre. The fourth one, which was so far the weakest, was marked by the choice of a director who aimed at something else from the very beginning and made a film that ironizes and turns the Alien mythology upside down. It's like letting Michael Bay direct "Hamlet," John Woo direct The Ballad of Narayama, or Tarkovsky direct A Nightmare on Elm Street. However,  if you were willing to join the director's game, it was still an above-average film that, in addition to the creatures, still had something in common with the original Alien, but had a different tone. In Prometheus, not only does the second half fail, but it's also stupid with its mythology, dialogue, literalness, lack of imagination, casting (except for Fassbender and partially Noomi) - basically, everything except for the visuals and music. The subsequent discussion, which tries to find meanings that the film simply doesn't have, is a reaction to the fact that the images don't make sense due to the stupid script. Prometheus is the ultimate example of big-budget trash with well-crafted visuals. It surpasses many B-movie productions in its cleverness. As can be seen, there are quite a few viewers for whom the cleverness of the film is not a significant element in their evaluation. After all, with a silly film, you can easily stroke your ego. Scott, as a co-producer, had disproportionately greater creative freedom than his predecessors and committed a cinematic crime. A-grade sci-fi is nowadays like Cinderella - it requires a large budget but usually cannot appeal to the so-called family audience and those who prevail among viewers, i.e., teenagers. It is no coincidence that dozens of comic book adaptations with superhero characters are being made, while dozens and hundreds of significant literary works in the sci-fi genre remain on the sidelines. They require a more educated audience and are commercially less appealing. Only twice have directors had the chance to make a sci-fi film without compromises, and in both cases, they messed it up. Besides Prometheus, it was both sequels to The Matrix... () (less) (more)


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English No one said this was going to be a prequel to Alien or 2001: A Space Odyssey. The trailers promised me stunning visuals, a generous dose of tension, and a mysterious enemy. The movie delivered on all of that and added the unpredictable David, the determined Elizabeth, and a breathtaking story where the answers to questions must be sought, not just heard. Prometheus thus became a surprisingly refined sci-fi, which will continue to mature for a good few years. ()



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English Spoiler impressionology! It's been exactly ten years, give or take a few days, since I saw the first Alien, the film that piqued my interest in cinema as a whole, and the question of what came before has actually been gnawing at me for a decade. So from a purely subjective point of view, I have no reservations about it because the film answered my questions. First of all, it confirmed that the aliens are a biological weapon that probably cannot be controlled by anyone. So far, so good. But when I look at it with hindsight, aided by a brief post-film debate, I don't quite understand why the writers had to break the film into survival horror in the second half, endowing the characters with the logic of incompetent teenagers. Visually, including Streitenfeld's excellent audio, there's nothing to fault it for (well, except for Weyland's mask, that's horrible) but there's not a single climactic scene, something that would draw me to the movie theater for a second screening. This is actually a huge shame because, for the first hour, Scott was creating a more interesting world than James Cameron has recently. After leaving the theatre I was ready to give it four stars, given that the marketing campaign had gone beyond me, but I thought about the film a bit too much during the twenty-minute journey home. ()


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English Ridley Scott no longer knows how to come up with something new. He intensively copies from Alien and subtly quotes other masters of the big screen (Kubrick, Lean), but he doesn’t manage to put together a sophisticated mythology from a lot of enigmatic allusions. The more consistently straightforward, less ostentatious final third of Prometheus, when broken bones, flamethrowers and heroic gestures take the place of tautologies that go nowhere and the attempt at philosophical sci-fi rapidly morphs into an intergalactic variation on rape-revenge movies (by which Scott again shows himself to be a filmmaker capable of unusual feminine empathy and very clever use of gender stereotypes). The change of approach to the material is so sudden and unexpected that it gives rise to the hypothesis that perhaps the director was playing a cruel joke at the expense of the excited viewers. It’s as if he thought, “fine, they wanted something spectacular, so I’ll really prepare them for it at the beginning, but then I can more brutally bring them back to reality with a guilty-pleasure genre movie.” However, I rather see the reason for that in the necessity of cutting the film short than in the director’s sense of irony, which means that we will have to wait for the full-fledged Prometheus to arrive in the autumn, when the director’s cut will be released (after Kingdom of Heaven and Robin Hood, I’m starting to wonder if this isn’t actually a clever marketing move – to give viewers the feeling that a distinctive creative work was butchered by evil studio bosses and if they want to see the film as it was originally intended, they will have to spend more money on the DVD). Prometheus is a breathtakingly unstylish product with an unclear purpose. Because it doesn’t offer a satisfactory answer, both its suspense and its stumbling block consist in the prolonged uncertainty triggered by the advertising campaign. I’m afraid that the film’s “point”, which is very funny in its own way, will neither make anyone angry nor elicit a sly smile on the second attempt. If the aim of the film was to cause embarrassment, it accomplished its mission, but it doesn’t offer satisfying summer entertainment. By that, I’m not saying that I didn’t enjoy it. I did, but similarly as I did with Pitch Black, in whose case the price-performance ratio was significantly different. 75% ()


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English I think that there’s about an hour of film missing. An hour to work on the relationships, to say where they found out certain things or else somehow to show that these are just assumptions, to take their time a bit and not to hurry on ahead at breakneck speed. In some places I prayed to be have the time to rummage about in the environments presented. I have no gripes about the story, looking for an answer to the question that has no answer (that guy died immediately in the first scene) is just a catalyst for investigating possibilities and space. An attempt to go further. Visually, it’s top-notch, Ridley made sure of that. Similarly, he took great pains over the casting, each actor fits their role perfectly. Noomi is really fine, but Michael Fassbender easily dominates the picture. It’s a shame too that Guy Pearce made such a brief appearance. The ending was rather surprising the way it broke down into a regular massacre. I have the feeling that Alien DNA harms this movie, the same as the hype and trailers revealing too much. I look forward to the director’s cut. ()

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