
Nick Cassavetes directs this adaptation of the tear-jerker novel by Jodi Picoult. Abigail Breslin stars as Anna, a 13-year-old girl who was conceived by IVF in order to be a genetic match for her older sister, Kate (Sofia Vassilieva), who has battled leukemia since childhood. Despite being a normal, healthy child, Anna has undergone countless surgeries, transfusions and injections for the sake of her sister's health. Now, when she must forgo the opportunity to go to a prestigious hockey camp in order to donate a kidney to her sister who has gone into renal failure, Anna decides that enough is enough and sues her parents (Cameron Diaz and Jason Patric) for medical emancipation. Alec Baldwin co-stars as Campbell Alexander, the attorney who takes on Anna's case. (Entertainment in Video)


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English You are watching a melodramatic film about the cohesion of a family in difficult life situations, in which delicate piano plays in sunlit shots, and heavy scenes are filled with emotions. You almost want to say that it's just another Hollywood template, but then you realize that Nick Cassavetes has everything under control, and in certain aspects, even in the banal and clichéd themes and scenes – however schematic they may be – it is his own, sufficiently heartfelt, unobtrusive, intellectual, and emotionally wrenching style, ruling in a very similar way as in The Notebook. Cameron Diaz plays her heart out. ()


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English This film left me with only negative feelings, I haven’t seen anything less likeable for quite some time. My Sister´s Keeper is emotional blackmail in its purest form and I consider it a personal success that it didn’t affect me. In “dead serious” dramas, children should never be more mature than adults, period. The actors and the direction are excellent, though. ()


gudaulin Boo!

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English In the distant past, Hollywood producers discovered that betting on children is a sure bet. Adorable cunning little girls in the 1930s reconciled quarrelsome parents and mended family disputes. Clever boys with lots of ideas and unwavering enthusiasm saved family businesses from decline. The genre improved, and already clever children became even smarter, until it reached today's sad endings, when girls assign tasks to lawyers and give lessons in psychology and ethics to the adult world. Emotional blackmailing has been done in many movies, but this title took it to the extreme. It is so transparently manipulative that not only does it not work on me, but it literally offends me. It ruined my mood for a very long time and I will not be even a bit merciful towards it. Go to hell with this overused kitsch. Overall impression: 0 out of 0. ()


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English Totally weepy movie, I was kind of expecting this ending, but that's okay. I kind of envy the siblings their relationship, my sister and I will never have one that nice, but maybe it's generated by the disease, if it hadn't broken out maybe they wouldn't all be so nice to each other... who knows. But there were moments that I didn't love – like a relationship between two sick people, I was just waiting for the grim reaper to come knocking. I was kind of thinking towards the end of the movie: "Die already." And when it happened, I didn't even cry, there were other things I thought were sadder. Somewhat of a weak 4 stars. ()


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English I cried a few times, I admit it. At the same time, I'm ashamed of myself because Monsieur Cassavetes is a downright emotional manipulator. Sorry, but if after 10 minutes of the film the main sufferer shoots off a couple of poorly aimed (on top of everything else!!!) streams of vomit, that makes it a violent, forced, and unnatural plea for the viewer's emotions that I find utterly repugnant. The fact is that the film as a whole is a very respectable piece of craftsmanship, I won't deny that and I’m taking that into account in my overall rating. The acting was pretty good, too; however, my biggest problem was with the hysterical Cameron Diaz. She was just overacting in the most tense moments, which unfortunately cannot be excused. As a whole, the film isn't bad, and it's definitely not crap. It's a well made film with an unfortunately overly tear-jerking script that at certain moments acts as a signal that seems to say "it's going to get really bad now, get your tissues ready, but that's life!" ()

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