The Hills Have Eyes

  • USA The Hills Have Eyes (more)


A cross-country road trip takes a deadly turn in this chilling remake of Wes Craven's classic horror film about a stranded family that falls prey to a freakish clan of blood-thirsty mutants in the New Mexico desert. Packed with gut-wrenching gore and heart-stopping suspense, The Hills Have Eyes will keep you on the edge of your seat! (20th Century Fox Home Entertainment)


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Reviews (9)


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English By today’s standards, The Hills Have Eyes is an almost delicate slaughter flick whose climax lasts practically the the final two-thirds of the film. It’s juicy, morbid and visually attractive, with the right amount of action and black humor. And the screenplay is a significant upgrade of Wes Craven’s simpler 1977 original. ()

gudaulin Boo!

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English I have long lost any understanding of these types of productions, and the only adjective that comes to mind in connection with the film is "stupid." Even the timid hints of some atmosphere, which, however, fail due to the director's creative incapability and the demented script, are replaced with a completely linear massacre in the second half, which can only provoke aggression, but certainly not fear. In this film, nothing really makes sense, and it doesn't make sense to ponder too much about the logic of the plot. Overall impression: 10%. By the way, the attempt to graft some message about the danger of nuclear explosions and weapons of mass destruction onto this madness is completely out of place considering the quality of what is shown... ()



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English Suitably brutal for Aja (unrated version), with some delicious murders, but otherwise a step backwards compared to High Tension. The first half, including the attack on the caravan, was still decent, capable of sending chills down the spine. But in the second half the tension fades and it’s replaced by heroic pathos and clichés that buried even those extremely tense situations that should make the viewer tremble with fear. That's also why I wasn't worried about the main characters, which is bad. Aja is a very capable director but struggles with bad scripts. PS: Parrot lovers won’t be happy. ()


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English Aja shows audiences an exhibition of bloody violence in the most stylish form currently available. With a perfect rendering of the psychological attachments to the individual characters (a very uncertain order on the death certificate!) and the utmost sense of craftsmanship in handling the tension, the horror, and the viewer's disgust, the director really does work miracles. The excellent soundtrack often does much more than the standard "jump-scare" and the endless desert environment is also quite unpleasant. However, it somewhat falters due to the poorly chosen script, but it is one in which a good dose of cynical detachment kicks in, meaning that the overly pathetic ending so many people talk about is more so funny, and I mean that in a good way. This is because the American national anthem sung by the mutant, or the entrance of one of the protagonists with a shotgun in hand to the accompaniment of an ultra-heroic musical score clearly proves that Aja has his head screwed on straight in addition to his talent. And if the plot of his next film is less predictable, it's clearer than ever that things will still happen in Hollywood thanks to this young Frenchman. ()


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English The only thing this film differs from the routine hixploitation flicks we’ve had bucketfuls of latelyis in the the amount of brutality and savagery shown, which oscillates excellently between tolerable and excessive. Of course, some scenes are overly hyped – in the end, the main hero is practically immortal and what he endures is beyond acceptable, even considering the genre. Unfortunately, the it is difficult to establish an emotional connection with the main characters. The dead List is unpredictable, but lacking in emotions and fear as well. The large amount of blood is nice, but the opening highly inappropriate credits with a satirical subtext and incredibly tasteless choice of music are directly offensive. ()

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