
Cyclops. Jean Grey. Storm... They are the children of the atom, homo superior, the next link in the chain of evolution. Each was born with a unique genetic mutation, which at puberty manifested itself in extraordinary powers: Cyclops' eyes release an energy beam that can rip holes through mountains; Jean Grey's strength is both telekinetic and telepathic; and Storm can manipulate all forms of weather. In a world increasingly filled with hatred and prejudiced, they're scientific oddities... freaks of nature... outcasts who are feared and loathed by those who cannot accept their differences. Their detractors include U.S. Senator Robert Kelly, a McCarthyesque politico whose legislation is designed to "expose the dangers" of mutants. Under the tutelage of Professor Charles Xavier, the world's most powerful telepath, these "gifted" students have learned to control and direct their powers for the greater good of mankind. Xavier welcomes two newcomers: Logan/Wolverine, a solitary fighting machine who possesses amazing healing powers, retractable adamantium claws and an animal-like fury; and Rogue, an alienated teenage girl who can absorb the powers and memories of anyone she touches. As Wolverine and Rogue adjust to life among their "kind," the X-Men find themselves locked in a physical and philosophical battle with the Professor's former colleague and friend, Erik Lehnsherr a.k.a. Magneto. One of the world's most powerful mutants, Magneto has turned his back on society, believing that humans and mutants can never coexist, and that mutants are the rightful heirs to the future. He and his evil Brotherhood--the mammoth Sabretooth, the metamorph Mystique and the near-sighted, far jumping Toad--will stop at nothing to ensure that future, even if it threatens the very existence of mankind... or mutantkind. (official distributor synopsis)


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English Another comic book adaptation, this time directed by Bryan Singer. The action, effects, music, sound, and acting are all on a very decent level, yet something was a little lacking for it to make 5 stars. Otherwise, I "looked down" on this title for a long time, until I finally got the original.) I'm really looking forward to the second and third ones. ()


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English I can't help but feel I searched in vain for what once thrilled me about the movie. There are moments here that are completely illogical and wouldn't even work in a comic book world. I understand it's a pivotal film for revitalizing interest in comic book adaptations, but it seems to lack a more developed plot. It's saved only by the great characters created by comic book authors. ()



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English Incredible psychology with unconventional action, fascinating characters, the perfect Magneto, and above all, the truly unbeatable hero Wolverine, thanks to whom the series gained its soul. Bryan Singer ruled here for the first time, but not the last, as the comic book king. ()


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English As a pilot for a series (which this film has actually become in hindsight), it's great and flawless. A lot of iconic characters gradually appear on the scene, each of whom gets their due space, and Singer portrays the entire mutant community well by having the best comic book character in history being led by the hand by the other players constantly explaining everything to him. The script is smart and draws out not only the inevitable issue of mutants coexisting with ordinary humans, but above all a convincing and logically motivated villain, Magneto, whose potential far exceeds a single feature film. Maybe it's just a pity that the film goes by so insanely fast that it doesn't even manage to leave a hickey on our experiential threads, and instead of some stylish eye candy action we remember exclusively the awesome Wolverine claw-fucking his colleagues and the attractive Halle Berry, to whom the word mutant fits about as well as a sleeping pill to a corpse. Definitely a revolutionary achievement, which can be watched over and over again and whose success was the start of a great sensation. ()


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English So finally, after watching First Class, I filled my gap and checked out the first installment of X-Men. I'm quite pleased with the film, even if it falls well short of the 5th installment in effects and script. Some of the characters are still not as detailed (Storm, Mystique). As sci-fi, of course, it is above average, hence the well-deserved 4 stars. ()

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