
An inquisitive reporter views a mysterious videotape that is linked to several deaths she sets in motion a chain of events that puts her life in danger. Now she is in a race against time to solve the mystery before it’s too late. (official distributor synopsis)

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Reviews (11)


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English A remarkable thing. The Japanese original is probably a completely different film, but Gore Verbinski managed to capture a brilliant atmosphere in his remake, he succeeded in several nice compositions and visually excellent scenes. Traditionally, a ton of attention is drawn to the exceptional Naomi Watts, who has been in her best acting form in the past decade. ()


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English If I've ever been scared shitless while watching a movie, this horror film is to blame. I don't know about the Japanese original, but Verbinski has managed to handle an absolutely brilliant and in itself terrifying premise in perhaps the best possible way. When Naomi Watts plays that evil videotape in that remote cabin, I was reluctant to watch it myself, as if I was already expecting a phone call and the deadly words "seven days" when the tape ended. Yes, the atmosphere is incredibly dense from start to finish, it's a completely different kind of fear, one I haven't encountered in any other horror film so far. The gloomy atmosphere is further deepened by the absolutely convincing performance of little David Dorfman. And yet, I’m not giving it a full rating. While the film was a real test of nerves, its story didn't have nearly the power of, say, The Shining or Hooper's Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Rather, it's a very skilfully packaged and spiced omelette that loses a bit of its flavour on a second viewing. But only a little, really... 80% ()



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English A number of great scenes, a decently mysterious atmosphere and skillful direction, which sometimes plays with the clichés of horror films (several times during the introduction, for example with the refrigerator door). Unfortunately, at one point it kind of logically stalled and I got a few questions about the curse and its cancellation (so SPOILER): Why was Rachel hallucinating all the time when the curse didn't really affect her anymore and only Noah (and later Aidan) were supposed to die? Is there some kind of "You may not die, but you'll hallucinate until the other guy dies" rule? Or is it simply a hole in the script? I'd be willing to accept the explanation that Rachel's hallucinations were just memories of what she saw in the video, but that would have been undermined by the finale in the well... I don't know. ()


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English After more than ten years since the film was made, I am surprised how much the audience is fixated on The Ring as some devastating horror movie. And yet it works much better in the dimension of a suspenseful thriller. Gore Verbinski's move by endlessly delaying all the scary moments evidently succeeded. It then leads the viewer towards death through suspenseful scenes (watching the tape, discovering its images in the real world, the horse, old Morgan) right to the literal edge of the well. "-You don't want to hurt anyone. -But I do, and it won't stop." ()


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English Genre-wise, it's one of the best psychological horror films of the decade, a very successful remake of the original Japanese version, which is stylistically more appealing but less digestible for the Euro-American viewer. In terms of gradually building atmosphere, it is very well executed both in terms of direction and screenplay. Overall impression, 90%. ()

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