Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

  • USA Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (more)
USA, (2013–2020), 97 h 8 min (Length: 41–45 min)

Based on:

Stan Lee (comic book), Jack Kirby (comic book)


Clark Gregg, Ming-Na Wen, Chloe Bennet, Elizabeth Henstridge, Iain De Caestecker, Brett Dalton, Nick Blood, Henry Simmons, Adrianne Palicki, Luke Mitchell (more)
(more professions)

Seasons(7) / Episodes(136)


S.H.I.E.L.D. puts together a special team, led by Agent Phil Coulson, to track down a mysterious man with special abilities and the young computer hacker that's encouraging him to reveal himself to the world. (official distributor synopsis)

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Reviews (6)


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English The first series started off sympathetically, followed by a few slightly awkward but still entertaining episodes, and from about the seventh episode onwards I could find little to fault the series for. I'm only sorry about the finale (i.e., the last two episodes), which seemed to me to be a bit sloppy... Not that I was expecting more action scenes, but more emotions for sure. However, Agent Coulson is a knockout, the show doesn't lack insight, Nick Fury or Stan Lee, so three and a half.___P.S. Not to be spoilerish, I have to praise the filmmakers for the rather radical transformation of one of the main characters, which really surprised many viewers (including me). But I hope this was not a matter of just some screenwriting shenanigans. Only the second season will tell.___The second season was sensational, the finale was perfect, and Kyle MacLachlan in particular did some sensational things. I dare not even guess how the third series will develop. ()


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English Whedon delivered on his promise. In other words an episodic popcorn movie (brain in off-line mode essential) from a world where the Avengers are running about “somewhere off round the corner". With traditional Whedonesque dialogs and the traditional Whedonesque lack of story. Which is unpleasant shock; and it’s what sinks the series before it even set sail; it’s a simple fact that at best all the characters are uninteresting and at worst should be strung up. How they managed to put together such a priceless symbiosis of amateur non-acting and annoyingly written characters. And this is a fundamental problem for a series whose only concept is to be a pleasant relax for the whole (American) family. It all stands on Coulson’s shoulders, but while in movies he appears for barely five minutes and so his one-dimensional übercool wisecracking pose works, in a series where it’s mainly him, you soon have enough of the same pose all the time and after a couple of episodes it starts really getting on your nerves. ()



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English Pilot: The first series this year that I didn’t find utterly disappointing. The combination of Whedon’s playfulness and Marvel fun works again. We haven’t got to know the characters much, but in any case Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. looks better than most of today’s hurried competing series. Let’s hope it lasts. The plot isn’t so surprising or original (even though I thought that about Luke Cage), but it works for the introductions. The ending with Lola was enjoyable and I hope at least for a Cameo by the Capo or by Fury. Season one: What the...? I haven’t seen such an erratically made series in a long time. The middle part was just stuffing made up of regurgitated missions that disappointed fans and forced the creators to try harder and to hire better screenwriters. The turning point comes with the second Capo who completely rehashed everything we are used to and who makes the show about 50% better watching (adding up to today’s 67%) and serves us up some marvelous B-movie action with outrageously cheesy lines and frequent over-acting that reaches an extreme in the last episode. The effort put into going somewhere with the concept and having a second season approved is visible. That’s why it has begun to be very powerful. I had shivers down my spine during the last scene, so maybe it’s a god omen for the episodes to come.Season two: doesn’t play about and offers the best undemanding entertainment on TV. The Hydra and the Inhumans are entertaining and the ending surprises us with an interesting outcome to almost all of the storylines. Even Ward is put to good use. The finale scene leaves marvelous bait, let’s have more of that. I look forward to what comes next. Secret Avengers? ()


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English Season 1 – 100% – For someone who feels right at home with comic books, explores the interconnectedness of the Marvel universe every day before going to sleep, and worships Joss Whedon as a guru, the pilot episode was a ticket to paradise. In the shoes of the newcomer Skye, I peeked behind the curtain of the Avengers and saw nothing less than an excellent blend of tension, adventure, great characters, unexpected guests, and the feeling that I am truly part of everything. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately became an underestimated event, which becomes even more unforgettable with the twists connected to Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Season 2 – 90% – The initial surprises and twists that unfolded within S.H.I.E.L.D. and the looming Hydra were difficult to overcome. The direction that Jed Whedon and Co. took at the beginning, with the introduction of special abilities, a new race, Skye's origins, and everything around it, was a brilliant idea. This way, the Agents can firmly settle into the world of TV shows and interconnect and alternate between both worlds. And yet I have a minor complaint regarding the new characters – Mack, Hunter, and Bobbi – who came on the scene quite aggressively. Until that point, the events on the bus felt tight-knit and almost familial, and it took me a while to get used to the broader scope (even though it was entirely understandable due to Coulson's new role). I am grateful for every viewer who enjoys the show because I see the potential for many seasons ahead, especially with strong performers like Kyle MacLachlan, whose Calvin steals the entire series. Season 3 – 90% – Earthshaking. Whether it's comic book-related, with events constantly changing the game, or character-related, with Quake/Daisy/Skye as a flawed but admirably strong leader, this season has a lot to offer. Jed Whedon and the Maurissa Tancharoen and family have written an impressive amount of material this year, giving us true adventures (with everything related to the unknown planet), spy drama (the episode Parting Shot), and an unexpectedly dark odyssey with an enemy that sheds light on Hydra's origins. And since development of supporting characters is not overlooked, it's decided – AoS is a staple reinforced by numerous unexpected renewals. I desperately hope this won't be the last time this year that ABC has been this generous. Season 4 – 90% – Diabolical books, intangible beings, Ghost Rider, androids, dream worlds, and in the end, so much entertainment that I can't keep up with my eyes. Agents is operating at such a murderous pace that I can barely catch my breath during each episode. I can't help but admire how carefully they lay the groundwork for each story arc long before it truly begins. Most of the participants are genuinely amazing actors, and Iain De Caestecker, who may have been underestimated, handles each layer of his character with such finesse that he deserves an Emmy nomination as much as any actor in a more praised series. The fact that critics, and inexplicably viewers as well, keep snubbing Agents in proportion to their quality only makes me hold them closer to my heart. Season 5 – 90% – A space journey enhanced by a persistent enemy race, time games, and a clearly modest budget that turned necessary evil in the form of endless corridors into a storytelling asset. Even in its fifth year, the show manages to excel in details (the perfect 100th episode, Enoch, Ruby, the sophisticated games with gravitonium) as well as in its entirety. The final episode, despite my relief that it's not the absolute finale, ranks among the gems of television history. Season 6 – 85% – A return that was unwelcome for some and miraculous for others. During the longer break between seasons, the show settled even deeper in the hearts of its viewers, and I was cautiously afraid of new adventures that inevitably hinted at the departure of some beloved characters. Luckily, there was no reason to worry. In terms of ratings, it may be the weakest season, but it is still packed with action, emotions coming from unexpected directions, and all the ingredients I have been longing to see. Perhaps the antagonistic side seems somewhat interchangeable this time, but the season finale works as a captivating enticement for the ultimate farewell. Season 7 – 100% – Even greater doses of meta humor than ever before, surprising and expected returns, desired reveals, and the wildest way of traveling that Zephyr has ever experienced. I hold the first season dear with everlasting nostalgia, but the last season is the only one that can truly compare to it. I understand that for some people, the mood changes and special episodes may have been too much, but I have no words for the noir, the time loop, 80s songs, and especially for the finale. I can't understand how this show managed to last for seven seasons, really. The audience already fled long ago after there were no more explicit connections to the movie universe. But for those who remained, the reward is the sweetest. () (less) (more)


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English Pilot Review: Whedon's series follows the Avengers comic book juggernaut, but is essentially its antithesis. This time around, the focus is on ordinary people without superpowers trying to keep the superheroes in check. You could say it's a kind of superhero procedural drama (or dramedy, rather), with less action and more dialogue (there's practically constant talking). The sarcastic sense of humour and self-ironic tone of the Avengers remains, but unfortunately there's too much of it. The fanboy allusions, the constant wisecracks of the heroes and the constant banter between them are so over the top that it feels contrived at times. It's clear that the series is trying its best to please both Marvel fans and uninitiated viewers in its pilot, and that over time, the self-absorption and desire to be cool at all costs may wear off. Then it'll be fine. ()

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