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Jasna is a beautiful teenage girl living in an out-of-the-way Serbian town. Her daily family life consists of hassles about money (or the lack of it), her mother’s apathy, and her father’s terminal illness. Disillusioned and fuming at everything, including herself, Jasna kills time at discos and parties where she indulges in plentiful drugs and alcohol. Her behavior breaches many a taboo, clearly signaling that her parents have lost control of her. This dynamic, direct, and uncompromising debut from a talented director fearlessly and unreservedly limns a portrait of the young postwar generation and its efforts to find its identity – a generation which finds it hard to express any positive emotions. Nevertheless, while on this destructive path the heroine comes to terms with herself and with a reality she cannot change. (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)


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Reviews (8)


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English Have you seen "A Serbian Film"? Did you not like its naturalism? In that case, do not watch "Klip". "Klip" is definitely not a film from the porn industry, there is no pedophilia here, although you could doubt the age of the main protagonist. Even though the film is called "Klip", do not expect a music video. It is not a short film with fast cuts, "Klip" is called that because the main character has to capture everything on a mobile phone. It's as if life that is not captured on a phone does not exist. Everything that is captured has meaning, it doesn't matter if it is a moment when her boyfriend is simply standing or when she is giving him oral pleasure, which according to his own words is not very impressive. We observe sexual intercourse quite explicitly here, the penis is visible in several scenes. The girl undresses, but that is nothing compared to when she tries to please, when she acts like an obedient little dog. She will do anything to be with him. She doesn't care so much about love, she probably doesn't even know what it really is. She needs someone to be with her, she doesn't care how. She herself cannot come to terms with how difficult life is, with her father dying. If you are a mother or father of a similarly aged daughter, you will probably say that you are lucky not to have one like her. And if you do... I wish you a lot of patience. Interesting films are blowing in from Serbia, and I must say that both "A Serbian Film" and "Klip" are not superficially exploitative films, there is an idea hidden within them. More: ()


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English An explicit testimony about a generation of shared narcissism that obscures very human motives - fear of death, closeness, intimacy. A de facto more radical version of Fish Tank, in which the author does not try to stylize the emptiness in any way, but lets it resound in the raw and coldly dead ubiquity of a filming mobile phone. The assumption that this is just an empty controversy reveals a certain immaturity of the viewer - the inability to perceive acute content in social and psychological contexts. Under a crust of stupid lascivious hits and sweaty blowjobs in toilet stalls, we have a very universal story about maturation and fragility, which is disguised by familiar poses. An excellent debut of a director who has something to say. ()



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English Clip is authentic, well-played and sexually open, but not self-serving. The sex scenes build the emerging relationship of the central couple, which gets interesting in the second half of the film. The main character’s family background is more boring, slowing the film down rather than giving it another dimension. Though it is an honest and distinctive flick, Clip is less striking than Kids, as it does not have a bold point that would make it unforgettable. ()


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English The superlatives related to how authentic, evocative, unprecedentedly explicit, or urgent it is in parallel with today's online world are justified, Clip offers a very biting insight into the world of teenagers that is in no way unrealistic or over the top. If the goal was to be provocative, I think it succeeded – perhaps some filmmakers will rethink the way they think about their 15-year-olds (and 14- and 13-year-olds) after watching this strictly family film, but that won't be the only message of this Serbian rawness. Clip is an alarming statement about a world in which "little kids" are searching for themselves, and because they rarely feel true love and support in their families, they naturally find support and a kind of spiritual fulfilment in drugs, alcohol, loveless sex, and a world of never-ending parties. I'm not saying it's a perfect film, but it serves its purpose more than respectably. ()


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English The Little Big World of the Young Jasnic, or a Teenager's Journey to Find Love, Self-Realization, Self-Knowledge and Coping with a Difficult Family Situation. Or those who do not find something of themselves in it have not lived. And if you don't have your entire youth filmed on your cell phone, then not at all. And Milica Pavlovic is a real exclusive. ()

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