Eagle Eye

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Action / Mystery / Thriller
USA / Germany, 2008, 118 min

Directed by:

D.J. Caruso


Dariusz Wolski


Brian Tyler


Shia LaBeouf, Michelle Monaghan, Rosario Dawson, Billy Bob Thornton, Ethan Embry, Michael Chiklis, Anthony Mackie, Fahim Fazli, Cameron Boyce, Marc Singer (more)
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Shia LaBeouf (Transformers) and Michelle Monaghan (Mission: Impossible III) star as strangers ripped from their ordinary lives when they are "activated" as part or a high-tech assassination plot. Through blistering chases and shocking twists they try to escape - but where do you go when the enemy is everywhere? (official distributor synopsis)

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Reviews (8)


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English At first glance, it is a very unusual and unconventional hi-tech thriller, but it gradually turns into a clumsy and ultimately even banal action movie, which has a brutally fast pace, technical gizmos better than in the once so expensive Die Hard 4, restless camera, and fantastically filmed explosions and car accidents. But beneath all this cool decoration, there is a single, even banally simple blow with an iron rod. At the end, you are certainly very entertained, unfortunately in a negative sense. The first half is thrilling, unpredictable, and skillfully shot. ()


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English A stupid film that tries to mask its stupidity with (stupid) action scenes and (even stupider) wannabe funny and cool dialogues. For some the fil has enough to satisfy, for other it does not. I belong to the latter, as you can tell by my rating. I can't deny that the film flew by quickly, but the vast majority of what happened in it was so terribly naive and stupid at the same time that I wanted to scream "Steven Spielberg, how could you!". If only it didn’t take itself so seriously! Eagle Eye was originally supposed to be some kind of hi-tech Hitchcock thing. But in the end it's just plain rubbish. Brr.__P.S. I miss science fiction among the genres. Stupid sci-fi. ()



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English Another action thriller after the movie "Déjà Vu". "Déjà Vu" actually appealed to me a bit more, maybe because Shia LaBeouf messed up with me a lot with the "Transformers" films, but mainly because the good idea is not executed that amazingly. D. J. Caruso is not exactly a top-notch filmmaker, but he at least shoots B movies that pretend to be A movies. "Eagle Eye" is exactly such a film. Familiar actor names and a fairly professional look, but in the end you still feel like you're just watching a good-looking B movie and nothing else. The idea is not bad. What if there is an entity, whether it's a person or not, that can monitor every step we take? The idea is not bad. What if someone not only watches us, but also has the power to influence what we do? What if there is someone who will play God? "Eagle Eye" tries to show us how dependent we are on technology and how unaware we are of it. Our lives are public thanks to Facebook; we don't mind posting on our own profile that we're going on vacation. It's as if we're giving burglars the keys to our apartment. "Home Alone" wouldn't be such a funny movie anymore. I once saw the film "Más de mil cámaras velan por tu seguridad", which had a very similar plot, only it wasn't about some great technological breakthrough, but simply about people. "Más de mil cámaras velan por tu seguridad" is not a brilliant film, it's a pretty bad horror movie, but as I said, it had a big effect on me at the time. I was about seventeen, if I'm not mistaken. "Eagle Eye" is an interesting film, but it still comes down to the fact that the two main characters are trying to escape from someone. The "Big Brother" element is good, but I still think it's not used perfectly. If Caruso didn't insist so much on ending his films well, he would immediately deserve at least a 10% better rating. This way, it's just a nice idea that wasn't fully realized, which disappointed me a lot in the end. More: http://www.filmovy-denik.cz/2012/11/deja-vu-fred-claus-oko-dravce-penelope.html ()


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English Risk of spoilers When a murderous computer appears in Buffy the Vampire Slayer or The X-Files, fans (not without reason) classify such episodes as among the worse ones. When a fighter plane in Stealth starts thinking for itself, it turns the movie into a flop that the audience relishes in mocking. And when a giant central security computer in Eagle Eye starts causing trouble for the American government and tries to take the fate of the world into its own hands, it becomes a hit. A significant portion of the user community may consider the plot to be infinitely dull, but with pleasure they give the film a positive rating, saying that the ride was worth it. Unfortunately, it wasn't. I would much rather see more of Shia LaBeouf as a poker teacher or as the confidant of a lonely mother in a cargo box. I don't mean to say that a gun doesn't suit him, but in such moments we get too close to falling telegraph poles, makeshift lists of future victims, and sound vibrations reflecting off a mug. D.J. Caruso's first stumble, which unfortunately marked his career with bad luck. ()


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English Eagle Eye is a fast-paced high-tech thriller, but it fails to bring anything distinctive to the table. The only thing that makes it attractive is Shia LaBeouf’s participation and the “Executive Producer Steven Spielberg” label. Tony Scott, active in the same genre, has his own directing style and his high-tech thrillers are original and audio-visually creative. D.J. Caruso produces only routine works that are neither great nor terrible. And for me, that is not enough for a two-hour action movie without a deeper look into psychology of the characters. ()

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