
The world's most uncouth private eye is framed for a crime he didn't commit in the riotous fourth installment of the Torrente series. In prison his obsession is to escape in order to clear his name. Therefore he invents a plan inspired on one of his favorite movies 'Escape to Victory' and organizes a football match between the Prison Security Staff and the prisoners. During the game the idea is to escape with his colleagues through a tunnel. Although the plan goes awry, Torrente still manages to make a daring escape. Once outside he starts his revenge mission against the scheming businessman who sent him to prison. (official distributor synopsis)


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English Torrente is back, and he’s as outrageous as ever. Hands down, this was my favorite comedy of 2011. It’s disgusting, filthy, offensive, but absolutely hilarious. Now, I get that this kind of humor isn’t for everyone, but if you’re the type who isn’t easily rattled by every crude joke, you’re going to laugh a lot. I was also pleasantly surprised by Santiago Segura roping in Real Madrid players, including Cristiano Ronaldo, who even pokes fun at himself in the film—a nice reminder that maybe he’s not as arrogant as people say. If you love Torrente’s wild antics, don’t hesitate to dive into this one. If you’re new to him, watch only if you can handle a sweaty, racist, crude, and ridiculously quotable character who fires off inappropriate one-liners nonstop. It’s a specific brand of humor, but once you’re in, you’ll never forget it. Oh, and the methane bomb scene? Absolute gold. Bonus line: Torrente’s illegal tenant: “Problem is we're nearly 30 in only 53 square meters." Torrente: "So? Two meters per person!” ()

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