Viral Hit

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Like and subscribe to NewTube’s latest streaming sensation, Hobin Yu! Tired of bullies, the scrawny high schooler is fighting back and streaming it. With tips from a mysterious online channel, he’s cashing in and knocking out bullies. He’s got the internet going crazy, but can Hobin keep it up or will he get crushed by his next match? (Crunchyroll)


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English Alright, this might be a bit controversial, so feel free to come at me! Viral (S)Hit is, in my opinion, an insult to logic with a hideous art style and character design. You don't have to be a YouTuber or a social media guru to know that the way this series depicts streaming is completely off. First of all, no platform would promote violent content like student fights. Why? Because the main revenue for streaming platforms comes from advertisers, and very few companies would want their ads next to such content. Even if a video like this somehow got through, it's unlikely it would be monetized. Second, brawling isn't socially acceptable, and there's no scenario where authorities wouldn't get involved after such behavior is broadcast. And the idea that you can create an account, upload a viral video, and have money in your account within a day or two? Ridiculous. Regarding the fighting tips in the show, while it's true that the frontal bone is one of the hardest bones in the body and protects the brain, basing your strategy on the idea that your forehead can take more hits than your opponent's hand is absurd. Plus, expecting your opponent to keep hitting the same spot is just dumb. Any opponent with half a brain would switch tactics after a couple of hits. The other advice were just as vague and about as useful as the tips Chuck Norris used to give in Walker, Texas Ranger. As for the characters, they were incredibly unlikeable, especially the main character, who was downright annoying to watch. The art style didn't help either, with the constant grotesque facial expressions making the characters even more off-putting. Sure, Hobin will probably get better and stop being such a tragic, pathetic loser, and his "friend" might stop being a clingy nuisance, and they’ll end up with money and girls like Kevin and Perry from Kevin & Perry Go Large, but I doubt the creators could convince me they deserve it. Animation-wise, the quality fluctuates, with more budget seemingly spent on the characters' grimaces than on the action scenes. In summary, this show was not for me. It was almost insulting in some aspects, repulsive in others, and mostly just cringeworthy. I stuck it out for four episodes, hoping it would get better or that I’d find something to like about the protagonist – it didn't happen. Plus, I could predict every plot twist, which just added to the boredom. Dropped after episode 4, and a 2.4/10. ()