Monte Cristo

  • Großbritannien The Count of Monte Cristo (mehr)


Frankreich im 19. Jahrhundert: Aus Eifersucht liefert Fernand seinen besten Freund Edmond Dantes an die Polizei aus und bezichtigt ihn des Hochverrats. Nach 13 Jahren Gefangenschaft gelingt dem unschuldig Verurteilten die Flucht. Dantes findet dank der Hilfe eines anderen Sträflings einen Schatz und plant mit den neuen Reichtümern einen Rachefeldzug gegen Fernand. Unter dem Decknamen "Graf von Monte Cristo" tritt er seinem ehemals besten Freund gegenüber ... (sixx)


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Englisch I'm not one of those people who demand that a film stick as closely as possible to the source material, but this was too much. Dumas must be spinning in his grave while the viewer suffers in boredom. If it at least looked proper formally, after all the premise calls for a big costume drama, but this film looks like a pricier TV production where the filmmakers didn’t even bother with a wide-screen format. Fine, let’s forget about the poor production design, the adapted screenplay, on the other hand, that is truly awful, not to mention the unimaginative direction of Kevin Reynolds. After The Time Machine and this film, Guy Pearce is digging his professional grave. That’s too much, I need a cold towel on my forehead. ()


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Englisch I really liked this much-criticized adaptation of Dumas' novel. Maybe it's because I have nothing to compare it to, I haven't seen any others. ()


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